How can we communicate better with you?
The great technological progress over the last few years must make instant communication easier and better than ever.
But it almost seems that the truth must be found in the opposite direction – that today it is more difficult than it was once to maintain connection with our citizens. We strive for complete transparency, but we know that sometimes we are in our efforts to inform you in a timely manner.
This is certainly not a lack of information pipelines. From traditional media to social media to the Internet to the airwaves, it seems that the potential for sharing is unlimited. Still, we are struggling to convey important information to our citizens.
And we are not the only ones. Many people ask, “How can we do a better job to notify people?”
This is a good question and one that we do not have the perfect answer.
And the closure of the only local radio station of Fremont County earlier this month only sharpened the problem.
In Fremont County, we are still taking the traditional steps for writing press releases and sending them away and wide, as well as sending appropriate legal notifications. For many years, Fremont County Commissioners have been on the radio at least once a month to discuss the meetings of our Council and the decisions we have made. Other local selected employees also took the opportunity to inform people of important information in the air, but this Avenue closed at midnight on December 31.
Hell, we wrote this column once a month! And we recently learned that even the county line had fallen by the road. We understand that this is on us and we are working to remove it.
We also use more methods of communication. Our official meetings are broadcast on Facebook live; Every meeting goes up to our own YouTube channel. We publish information – including those who meet video links – on our own website, Still, we hear people say almost daily, “I didn’t know that.”
We also use Facebook, YouTube, our website and local newspapers to send important information to our citizens. As approved earlier this month, our official publication sites are our website, the Bulletin Board outside Room 105 in the Fremont County Administration building at 615 Macon Ave. In the Cañon City and the Bulletin Board, located on the main (south) entrance at the same entrance at the same entrance on the same entrance to the same entrance building.
But we understand that finding information in these spaces takes specific efforts on entering the Internet or entering the building.
And not everyone is computer or can reach the administrator building. Our culture has changed and everyone gets their news through various preferred channels.
We would like to show ourselves in different, unexpected ways.
Ironically, as you read this, you may think: “No problem.”
But think about your friends, your neighbors, your family members for a moment. Do they read this too? Do they receive the information we send regularly? Do they know when our advice meetings are? Or how do you get access to them practically?
We are working on creating a new, video conversational format to provide you with information about your district government. We bend over twice a month, accessible again via Facebook and YouTube, both live and recorded. We hope this new structure will be ready to unfold in the next few weeks.
Meanwhile, please know we are trying. Do you hear us now? If not, how can we do better work to inform you?
Debbie Bell is Commissioner of Fremont County for District 2. It can be reached on [email protected].