
Former Miami-Dad school police officer closed for an attempt to kill

Former Miami-Dad school police officer closed for an attempt to kill

A former police officer at Miami-Dad’s schools was sentenced on Friday to 30 years in prison and a 20-year probationary period for attempting to kill her ex-friend, outside the Miami-Dad duty officer outside his family in Hyalea.

Jesseni Sanchez pleaded guilty to accusations of first -degree murder attempt and a deadly weapon and lurking in connection with November 5, 2022, a shooting of officer Damian Colon.

During the sentence on Friday, Damian’s brother David Colon delivered an emotional statement in court, condemning Sanchez’s actions.

“Let you suffer equally every day of your life. We rely on you, ”he said. “You are a terrible human being. I hope you suffer from the things you have caused every day of your life. “

Struggling to hold tears, he added, “You have destroyed a family. You have destroyed someone full of life full of plans, with a bright future. You did this. “

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Damian, a 17-year-old veteran of the department, survived the attack after undergoing surgery.


Investigators have revealed that Sanchez is using a tracking application to find a colon at his family residence near West 79th Street and 13th Avenue. She encountered him on the alley and shot him before she escaped.

The surveillance frames filmed her car, hitting another car as she was passing.

Sanchez’s verdict marks the conclusion of a painful head about the colon and his family.

“We have justice today. Today we close our heads, a chapter in a book you have opened, “David said. “You have given us justice by pleading guilty to the crimes you have committed.”

State lawyer: “No one is immunized against domestic violence”

Miami-Dad State Prosecutor Catherine Fernandez Rundell acknowledged the gravity of the case in a statement after the sentence.

“No one is immunized against terror and the horror of domestic violence. Former police officer Jessenia Sanchez of her ex -friend, another police officer, unfortunately proves this point, “she said. “Her violent act shows the pure explosion of aggression inherent in any incident of domestic violence. Sanchez’s 30-year sentence cannot recover the physical damage he inflicted while trying to kill the man she once claimed to have loved. Unfortunately, these marks will continue forever. “

For Damian, the way to recovery is long and difficult, but he credit his family and colleagues that he has helped him.

“I feel blessed. Thank goodness to them, I got this difficult situation, “he said. “Thank God for my family, for all who are here for me. It was difficult, but without them I probably would never have gone through it. “

Earlier this month, Damian withdrew from Miami-Dad’s sheriff office, a career that he said he would be glad to continue.

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