
Former Director of the Wilmington Human Resources Division, convicted of threatening supervisors – The News Journal

Former Director of the Wilmington Human Resources Division, convicted of threatening supervisors – The News Journal


A former director of the Wilmington Human Resources Department has pleaded guilty on Tuesday that she threatens to kill her leaders.

Following the legal basis, Wendy Stanford was sentenced to a probationary period before the judgment, according to the Ministry of Justice in Delaware.

As part of his sentence, the 50-year-old should take a course of anger management and have no contact with the victims, their families or the Louis L. Redding City/County building where she worked. It should also complete 50 hours of public service work and continue any mental health service it has received.

Sentence guidelines recommend low -level probation, fines, or both for the first offenders accused of crime, said DOJ spokesman when asked why Stanford was allowed to take that legal basis.

“In addition, mental health problems have clearly played a significant role in this case-this resolution examines this factor in detail while imposing order without contact,” said Caroline Harrison, a DOJ spokesman.

“It is essential for a healthy justice system not to treat the prison as a single size that is suitable for the infinitely wide range of factors that lead and follow a crime, she added.” The prison plays a very specific and serious role in the protection of our community And it is not suitable for many people accused of low -level crimes. “

What happened in Wendy Stanford’s case?

According to court records received from Delaware Online/The News Journal, Stanford sent a series of text messages in April, which not only threatened three members of the human resources department in the city, but also claim to go after their family members. This included this text: “I’ll cut it [expletive] baby up. “

The first text was sent to the Human Resources Director around 9:30 am April 30, police said.

“I give you a kind call to let you know that you need to receive your priorities and your duties so I can kill you [expletive]”The text said, according to court documents.” And then I will come to all your other directors and kill them. “

The threat was so destructive that some employees worked from the home for periods of time, an urban employee said.

Stanford was accused of August 22 with three charges of terrorist threat. She is pleaded for a single count of terrorist threats on Tuesday.

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