
Flu cases grow in El Paso as Texas sees high flu activity – Kvia

Flu cases grow in El Paso as Texas sees high flu activity – Kvia

El Paso, TX (KVIA) – The admissions are growing in El Paso, as Texas is experiencing one of the highest levels of influenza in the country, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The ABC-7 talks with Dr. Hector Okaranza, El Paso’s health authority, who said local hospitals are monitoring influenza cases, especially among young children and adults. Zaranza says El Passo’s flu season usually lasts from October to March or April.

The health department in the city does not track the exact number, but monitors the flu models by taking observation samples to identify trends and possible viral mutations. “We are interested in knowing why it is because the virus is changing,” said Zaranza.

Ocaranza says the flu is the dominant strain spreading to El Paso and leads to a doctor’s visit. CDC has recently announced that more people are seeking medical care for flu-like diseases across the country at the highest level of at least 15 years.

Dr. Omaranza says it is not too late to get vaccinated: “If you have not become ill with the flu, it is recommended that you get the flu every year because every year the flu virus changes,” he stressed. “One thing that is important to reminiscent of the community is that the flu shot will not be the one who will make you sick.” He says that the flu shot is the best way to take precautions and prevent complications.

Ocaranza also says that the right is extremely effective: washing hands often, avoiding close contact with sick individuals and covering coughing and sneezing. He says people are most contagious before symptoms appear, during fever and slightly after.

“Every year during the flu season, we see people who graduate at the hospital,” said Zaranza. “They are even young adults who may seem to never get sick. But this can happen, they find themselves in the hospital, they can be in ICU. Unfortunately, every flu season, people can go from the flu. “

If you develop symptoms that include: fever, chills, coughing, sore throat, body pain and fatigue, be sure to go to your doctor. Antiviral drugs, such as tamiflu, can help reduce the duration and severity of the flu when taken early.

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