The students were delighted with record snowfall and icy conditions that reached Talahasi on Tuesday night.
It was an event that happened once in a generation for many students, as Winter Storm Enzo applied 2-3 inches of a sneakers and snow on Talahasi and led to the cancellation of FSU hours from Tuesday to Friday in addition to the holiday holiday on Monday.
“It’s my first time [seeing snow]”Said Emily Viddarson, a specialist in media and communications.
It may take some time before the students living in the state can see such snow again. According to John Alquist, an honorary associate professor at the Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, the chances of a new snowfall like last week in Talahasi are small.
“I believe the last measurable snow in Talahasi was in January 2018, and before that was December 1989,” Alquist said. “Seven years have passed since the last event, and before that they were 28 years. So it was an approximate ten -year event.
The conditions for creating such a storm are incredibly unique. Polar vortex should be around the north of the United States. This displaces the natural jelly flow, which usually separates the cold air from the warm air. Now located under the Gulf of Mexico, the stream flow caused a stopped warm front. The stopped front pushes the warm air to the north, causing the warm air to precipitate over the icy air on the surface. This phenomenon is known as “exceeding”, which usually leads to the fall of snow and a sternity.
Take precautions when it is snowing is important, especially for students who live outside the campus and have to drive. Alquist himself warns that local authorities are usually not prepared for such situations.
“The local population has many inexperienced winter drivers whose cars are without winter tires. [The] Local authorities have no snowflakes and salting trucks, “Alquist said. “I live right north of the borders of Talahasi. The street in front of my home has a modest slope. After the storm, I watched cars and pickups struggle to climb up the hill, but they don’t always succeed. “
Despite the potentially dangerous conditions in Talahassi, students throughout the campus enjoyed the snow as it was coming.
“It’s kind of surreal to see snow in Florida, especially because I moved from Kansas to be to a warmer state,” said FSU freshman Lahan Mishra. “It was still very nice to see snowfall for the first time, especially since most of it was not touched.”
FSU Unorian Grace Buchen made an impressive snowman in front of the Strozier library. Asked what she did at night, she said she was enjoying her friends right now.
“We just drifted down the stream all night,” Bucheen said. “We decided to make a snowman and see if we could be as big as possible. We made snow angels [on Landis Green] And he also made a mini snowman. “
Throughout the night, people could see people descend on the numerous hills in Talahasi. Everywhere else, if one was walking on West Madison Street, he could see students fighting snowballs on the other side of the road. A look at the social media will show videos of students who skate with sledding behind cars and build snowy people at Doak Campbell Stadium. There was a feeling that in Talahassi it was really a winter side of miracles.
Brady Condon, a specialist in interdisciplinary social sciences, pushed a 2-foot snowball on Landis Green. As a man who lived in Florida for most of his life, he was surprised by his intensity.
The ice was expected to stay around Friday, stopping all the campus operations. FSU students received a week to enjoy the snow that fell on Tuesday night.
“I only expected a little frost,” Condon said. “But that [is really crazy]. ”