
Florida City Fort Mayers joins ice in immigration repression – Cuba titles

Florida City Fort Mayers joins ice in immigration repression – Cuba titles

Fort Myers city authorities, Florida, have decided to cooperate with US Immigration and Customs (ICE) in effort to retain and deport undecosed immigrants. In this way, Fort Myers is aligned with other cities such as Hyallea, where local police officers are actively involved in the immigration initiative. This decision was formalized at a meeting held on Friday, where municipal authorities unanimously approved a memorandum allowing local law enforcement agencies to receive ice training and assist in deportation efforts.

As the Associated Press reports, although many spectators of the meeting expressed concerns about potential racial profiles, the city ultimately decided to assist immigrants without legal status and questioned persons suspected of immigrants. The report also stresses that on the eve of the vote, Florida Governor Ron Ron Handis warned that the failure to approve immigration agreements could have severe consequences, including the suspension of officials.

Earlier during the week, the Prosecutor General James Utmeier began an investigation into council members, who initially opposed the agreement, accusing them of applying an illegal policy of the sanctuary. Uthmeier has indicated the latest laws adopted by Florida legislators who oblige state and local law enforcement authorities, together with supervisory organizations, should seek to “support the implementation of federal immigration laws.” In this context, City Prosecutor Grant Ali stressed that the Prosecutor General, as a senior law enforcement officer, demanded “the immediate compliance with the state laws on immigration.”

The program, known as 287 (G), which allows state and local law enforcement agencies to work with ICE on identifying and retaining undocumented immigrants, has been signed by Fort Myers, Hyalea, Davi, Sunny Islands, Palm Beach and Corlal Gabble gardens in Florida. In addition, agreements have been established to grant more powers of law enforcement in the implementation of immigration laws, together with the promotion of state laws criminalizing the illegal entry into Florida.

The governor of the landings made it clear that Florida would not serve as a sanctuary. He has implemented measures to ban the “cities of the sanctuary” requiring state and local cooperation with the federal immigration authorities and threatening to stop local officials who refuse to work with ICE.

Main aspects of Fort Myers and Ice Cooperation

What is the 287 (G) program?

The 287 (g) program allows state and local law enforcement authorities to cooperate with ICE in identifying and retaining undocumented immigrants.

Why did Fort Mayers decide to cooperate with ice?

Fort Myers decided to cooperate with ice in order to align the state -owned mandates for the imposition of federal immigration laws and to avoid severe consequences alerted by the governor Tannis.

What are the concerns about this agreement?

There are fears that the agreement can lead to racial profiling and directing individuals based on their immigration status without legal grounds.

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