
Fidel Castro reappears in public – Noticias de cuba en miami

Fidel Castro reappears in public – Noticias de cuba en miami

Thank you my commander, thank you for your wise words. You are the father of all Cubans. You have never been wrong, you are perfect, you know everything better than everyone else, you are important. You are supernatural, your thinking exceeds centuries and generations. You are God. You saved all the Cubans. His wisdom is so high and his vision is so far that he can predict new times. You have to reign Olympus. You are the world. We are fools and rude who think we can lead our own lives. But please, the commander, do not let us commit ourselves with the stupidity of doing whatever we want with our lives, we give it to you, all that you can direct us. We are not interested in the material benefits or freedom they are talking about, we are not interested in being able to go to the beach or have fun, we do not want big or beautiful cities, nor do we want these human rights. We are not interested in democracy, our system, the one you have given us is enough. We just want to stay here listening to your speeches or reading your thoughts, thinking and remembering everything you have done in the past. We want to continue in our little ranch by teaching our children in all later generations to study you, read your speeches, watch videos that talk about you, all your achievements, all the good things you have done. Even if we lack food and toilet paper, we will be proud to serve you. You who are perfect who know everything that are almighty and ubiquitous, do not stop writing, let’s continue to say what is coming. Teach us to think better, to understand why, if they put two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and everything was devastated, then why are cities with a high level of development and Havana in 2s was a thriving metropolis, today it is a garbage landfill. I know there must be some logical justification, so we ask you on our knees to teach us. I thought maybe this was the guilt of imperialism, the Yankees and the genocidal blockade, as well as the Guantanamo Naval Base. But thinking about this better, I concluded that in order to have decent streets and houses, all you need is cement, gravel and sand and the workforce to do it, and I saw that we have all this in our country. But hey, we know nothing, we are ignorant rude, even if we are 100 years old, we will never know how to think of ourselves so that you teach us. The problem is that there are no vehicles to transport materials from one place to another, but then I remember that the Egyptians still built large pyramids in the middle of a disaster. Please forgive our ignorance, but in order not to cause a more inconvenience to your Majesty, I will ask you only one more question. Why, if our beautiful Cuba is an island surrounded by seawater, they give us chicken instead of fish in the grocery store. Why is fish a luxury of the Cuban table? I do not know if it is because we export fish or the fish that lives around our waters are tired of our system for more than 50 years and have also migrated from Cuban waters. As I told you, I will not ask you more questions, this is just part of the previous one: why if we plant coffee and bring good coffee, then why should we drink pea water for breakfast? Why do you say that we don’t need anyone and that Cuban hotels are for foreigners? Why do you say we don’t need anyone and you justify the high cost of ETECSA services by saying that they should collect foreign currency? Why do you say we don’t need anyone and the only clean places in Havana are for foreigners and those in hard currency? Why do you say that we do not need anyone and are always looking for relations with new countries (China, Venezuela, Russia, Bolivia, etc.), etc.)? It may be that we will provide them with disinterested medical services and our valuable professionals who are super intelligent but still do not know how to fix the streets of Havana.
Thank you again the commander for your words, thank you for directing us, thank you for living. Thank you for everything. And don’t worry, if we have to put up with you for another 57 years, we’ll do it. And if your immortality does not withstand physically, do not worry, we will follow your son, and then your grandson and then great -grandson. Don’t worry, Cuban revolutionary people will ensure that your generation always remains in power. Only you and your descendants will have the vision of the inheritance you leave us. We do not want any democratic elections, the Cuban people are not prepared and will never be ready to know how to choose their president. We are imperfect and do not want to make mistakes. Thank you the god of the Cubans. Thank you.
Oh, by the way, I’m from Bolivia, but I have a friend in Argentina who also loves you and your revolution. I am from El Salvador and you idolize, I envy the luck of the Cubans to have a leader like you. I’m from Costa Rica, but I feel Cuban blood and Cuban music in my veins. I am from the Dominican Republic. Fidel, not only Cuba, but Latin America and the world is with you. I am Cuban, my commander and I ask you to hit us more and manipulate us more, to blind us completely about the truth of the outside world. Cuba is and will be the center of the world, the whole world needs us. Even wild animals would like to emigrate to Cuba to live under your ideals, my commander.
Note: For the Cubans who think I am paid to speak or write, it is better not to answer them. Or better, I say and say whatever I want, unlike you, this is the benefit I get from the opportunity to live in a truly free country.

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