
Faith matters: God uses rejection as a catalyst in this new book – the defender

Faith matters: God uses rejection as a catalyst in this new book – the defender

When Robert J. Maxi is experiencing rejection and injured by his father at a young age, which made him seek a deeper sense of purpose in life.

Baton Rouge Minister deepens the spiritual significance of rejection and how can catalyze growth in his latest book, Delivered on purpose (Christian Publishing House Liberty House).

“The rejection is undeniably painful, but I still regard it as a transformative force,” Maxi, a senior pastor of the Liberti Church in Batton Rouge. “It catalyzes personal growth and self -discovery, pushes us outside our comfort zones to re -evaluate our paths and to impose the necessary changes.”

God uses these rejections to take us to where we must be and serve as an example of others.

“Sometimes we need rejection to encourage us forward – maybe it was necessary to start this business or find your true calling after being rejected by a church,” he writes. “Have you thought that anyone else could wait for them to step into their goal until they see you enter your?”

Maxi, a native of Baton Rouge and a veteran of the Navy, began the Church of Freedom with his wife Amonga in 2018.

Two impactful passages in his 243 -page book illustrate the raw rejection that Maxi endures from his father’s hands. The first is to introduce when Maxi openly describes a violent father who “fights demons.”

“My brothers and sisters were struggling to heal; some focused on drugs and alcohol while others were depressed. Our family continues to cure the damage caused by my father,” Maxi wrote.

Another unpleasant memory that Maxi recalled was weeks before his father’s death by brain cancer. Maxi’s mother asked her father to tell her son that he loved him. “I don’t have a son” was the father’s answer.

“These words pierced my heart and left a deep wound,” he writes. “I felt so much rejection at this point and felt that this was the last way it could help me before it died. I wanted to heal to keep these wounds hidden.”

One of the most powerful chapters is the “power of testimony”. Maxi writes that powerful evidence is important to believers.

“(The Devil) knows that if he can hold the church excluded from the current stories and stories of how God moves, he will keep us in a place of wrong praise,” Maxi writes. “When you have received a certificate, protect it with all your might.”

Discard on purpose is the second book that Maxi has so kindly passed to me in the last year. Just like “fool proof: Strategies for navigating the life of God,” the new book is full of appropriate biblical illustrations and scripture.

Keep the useful books that come, Dr. Maxi.

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