
Support for the first state office to prevent governor’s violence Tony Evers is gaining momentum, as some safety experts and defenders say they hope they will save lives. Reggie Moore manages the safety of the Community at Wisconsin Medical College. Earlier, he led the Milwaury Violence Prevention Service during a critical period after the 70 % increase in killings in 2015. He believes that people understand the intention and potential of offices like these.

“The fact that cities are becoming more and more smart about crime and the impact that these types of interventions can have when dealing with violence before it happens, I think it is something that people understand we should do.”

He says this begins with an approach to public health to prevent arms violence. It was this approach, he adds to the four-year decline of Milwaukee in murder and non-factual firing in early 2016. He added that it was one of the biggest downtime in the country at that time.

While violence prevention offices are not new, the greater investment in them are. Moore says in 2016, when he began to run the Milwaukee office, few existed. He now says there are more than seventy throughout the country. Moore says that the historical levels of federal investments are promising because law enforcement agencies cannot and should not do the job alone.

“For hundreds of years, the country has taken an approach to criminal justice only on this issue, but understanding the fact that it is also a crisis of public health and the governor’s hearing this year to the kid, I think it is timely given the fact that the fact is that Since 2020, weapons violence have become a leading cause of children’s death. “

Earlier this month, governor Evers announced that he was directing $ 10 million to the Violence Prevention Office. The funds are from the American Rescue Plan Act and will provide grants to school districts, law enforcement authorities and non -profit organizations to help reduce weapons violence. It is not yet clear whether the Trump administration will affect federal programs such as these.

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