
Exclusive: The Conservative Group launches a school selection campaign in Wyoming – The Daily Wire

Exclusive: The Conservative Group launches a school selection campaign in Wyoming – The Daily Wire

The growth club is deploying an extensive television and print campaign to support a school selection proposal, making its way through Wyoming’s legislation, the organization told the Daily Wire.

A new television advertising from the organization calls on the state Senate legislators to adopt the Wyoming Freedom Scholarship Act, a bill to allow parents to receive a $ 7,000 scholarship to help pay private schools. The advertisement, which has begun to play on state political shows on Sunday, will continue from Monday to Friday on news channels in Cheen, the most populated city of the country.

“The future of the child should be shaped by dreams, not areas. Their dreams start with a choice, “says the storyteller in the television site. “No bureaucracy, no restriction, just the best education for your child. It’s a choice, it’s an opportunity, it’s freedom. Because their future should not be resolved by the area, but by you. Say to the Senate, “Pass House Bill 199.”

The legislation adopted Wyoming’s house at the end of last month with 39-21 votes and sat down in the Senate after it was received for Introduction on January 30th.

The Wyoming Senate is dominated by Republicans who have a majority of 29-2. The growth club seeks to target 15 senators with phone calls to summon them to support the legislation.

There will also be print ads supporting the proposal presented on Saturday editions of Casper Star-Tribun and Wyoming Tribune Eagle.

The current version of the legislation introduced by the Republican representative of Ocean Andrew will allow each of the income to apply for a $ 7,000 scholarship and does not require state tests for recipients of scholarships. The scholarships will be available at the first coming, first serviced depending on how much funding is provided by the legislature. The expected price per year is about $ 44 million.

Scholarship schools will have to ensure that they provide “instructions for reading, writing, mathematics, civil, including studies of the United States Constitution and the State Constitution of Wyoming, History, Literature and Science,” according to the text of the bill.

The bill eliminates the eligibility restrictions that were introduced last year by governor Mark Gordon after the legislature adopted a more limited proposal for a school election.

A majority of Wyoming voters support the proposal According to Until a recent poll conducted by WPA Intelligence. Overall, 51% of voters support the bill, with 54% of Republicans and 56% of non -bodied voters in support. A strong majority (68%) of Democrats opposes legislation.

Earlier this year, the growth club supported the successful efforts in Tennessee to accept the school selection legislation and the organization also helped to support the main challenges to the opponents of the Republican School Choice in both Texas and Tennessee.

The promotion of the election of a school was a major priority for President Donald Trump as he seeks to bring dramatic reforms to the Ministry of Education. Last month, Trump hosted a roundtable with Republican governors to discuss legislative efforts to promote school election.

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