
Ervine to invest millions of dollars in Great Park Live concert technique – Ocregister

Ervine to invest millions of dollars in Great Park Live concert technique – Ocregister

Correction: The advice of the Irvin Council voted at their last meeting to delay deciding whether to invest in the purchase of concert equipment for their great Park Live amphitheater and hiring other necessary equipment directly from suppliers. The previous version of this story incorrectly indicated the decision of the members of the Council. TIt titles and text of this story has been updated to reflect this change.

The city of Irvine may decide later this month to invest millions of dollars to buy and rent concert equipment for its 5,000-seat amphitheater, Great Park Live.

Officials say the purchase of $ 1.5 million equipment this year will ultimately save the city $ 2 million compared to hiring what is needed to create a show by 2027.

In 2028, the city expects to replace its temporary amphitheater with a permanent concert.

Officials could decide to rent an additional $ 3.4 million equipment this year directly from suppliers – instead of working through an intermediary, as the city did a year ago.

It is said that this will save the city another 10% in management fees.

For the opening season of the Great Park Live in 2024, Irvine hired its concert equipment through PSQ Productions as it hosted a number of Pacific Symphony, Honor and Trade Concerts and Public events. The production company charges IRVINE 10% management fee for all equipment rents.

While the summer season started with the cover acts, it ended in October with a three -time winner in Grammy Ludakris, Showing the ambition of the city to run a popular music place.

From 2025 to 2027, the city aims to host six trade exhibitions every season, according to a staff report.

Officials said Ervine expects to lose between $ 2 and $ 3 million a year to operate Great Park Live by subsidizing the Pacific symphonic performances and due to capital expenditures.

But after the sharp closure of the private and operated Fivepoint Amphitheater in 2023, City leaders have seen the creation of a new popular place for music in Irvine as a long -term investment in the city brand.

And, investing in concert equipment, city manager Oliver Chi said earlier that he sees the city to save some money in the coming years.

The city has a long history with PSQ Productions and the Council directed staff to expand the city’s contract with PSQ Productions to manage Live Live Great concerts.

The production company complained publicly in November, the city owes it $ 1.6 million unpaid costs. City leaders said the internal audit of these costs collected some “red flags that justify an additional review” but had “Without financial irregularities” and is committed to paying.

However, the city also said it would look at the purchase or hiring of its concert equipment directly without working through the provider to avoid the management fee, and the City Council had to vote in its meeting last week.

But during public comments, before the vote, a PSQ Productions lawyer stated that this could complicate the city’s existing contract with the seller and could state the city of unforeseen liability and costs related to the orders and the operation of the equipment.

This led to the Council of the Council Mike Carol, chairman of the Big Park Board (which the Council acts as) to ask for their colleagues to postpone vote on the next hearing at the end of February or earlier if the city’s employees They say the need arises.

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