New food and drink on the block
Gail’s Fine Ice Cream3025 Perkins Road, Baton Rouge, has released its fall flavors, including Chocolate Gooey Butter Cake, Pumpkin Caramel Crisp and Campfire Cookies.
Halloween has arrived Tap 65515 Mouton St., Baton Rouge, in the form of cocktails. Enjoy the Wonder Woman made with cherry liqueur, Aperol, cardamom, peach puree, fresh lemon and lime juice and champagne, plus others to choose from.
In knowledge
Food trucks in Oak Grove: Friday 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM and Saturday 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM at Food Trucks at Oak Grove, 17198 Old Jefferson Highway, Prairieville
Cousin’s Maine Lobster is back in Oak Grove, along with Blue Jay SnoBalls. We recommend going early to get your hands on Cousin’s Maine Lobster from “Shark Tank,” as some people have waited four hours for a lobster roll.
Local pop-up market: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday at Electric Depot, 1509 Government St., Baton Rouge
Join local producers and food vendors for October’s local pop-up market at Electric Depot.
Pink Mega Challah Bake: 5 p.m. Sunday at United Jewish Congregation, 3354 Kleinert Ave., Baton Rouge
Enjoy an evening of unity as participants knead and weave challah. It is co-organized by the Chabad Jewish Women’s Circle of Baton Rouge, the United Jewish Congregation of Baton Rouge Sisterhood and the Jewish Federation of Greater Baton Rouge. The Women’s Hospital Foundation will host a presentation dedicated to breast cancer. There will also be a wine and cheese buffet, as well as a challah and dip bar.
Tickets are $32 and can be purchased at
Wine and spirits
Blind Bourbon Tasting: 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Friday at Martin’s, 6463 Moss Side Lane, Baton Rouge
Test your bourbon knowledge at Martin’s Blind Bourbon Tasting. Enjoy a curated selection of bourbons and challenge your palate. Tickets are $40 and can be purchased at
Mark your calendar
Pancake Day Festival: 6 a.m. to noon Saturday, Nov. 2, at Carl Maddox Field House, 3513 Nicholson Drive, Baton Rouge
The Kiwanis Club of Baton Rouge is hosting its 75th annual Pancake Festival to raise funds for youth and community activities. A few organizations that the Kiwanis Club supports are the Big Buddy Program, International Culture Center, War Veterans Home, Baton Rouge FLAIM, and more.
Tickets are $9 in advance, available for purchase at or $10 at the door. Enjoy all-you-can-eat pancakes or order one to go.
Food adds so much to the equation of a good life. It can be all things – luxurious, cheap, common, intimate, simple and complex. In Baton Rouge, the culinary scene spans the full spectrum of the senses.
This weekly space brings you insider foodie news, helpful tips and food/wine event details for all your bon vivant aspirations. Email Lauren Cheramie with food news at