
Emergency care Miami Lakes – Baptist Health South Florida

Emergency care Miami Lakes – Baptist Health South Florida

This place for emergency care for the health of the Baptists is a department of a hospital in South Miami.

*Estimated waiting times are just evaluations and cannot be guaranteed. Although your medical condition will be evaluated by a qualified medical specialist after your arrival, the indicated waiting is the average estimated time, which will take you from a medical specialist (doctor, nurse, practitioner or doctor’s assistant).

Depending on your medical condition and other patients in the center, the estimated waiting time may change as patients are monitored on the basis of the severity of their condition and more critical patients are observed first. This evaluation is provided only for information and cannot be guaranteed.

During your visit to our facility, you can receive services from our facility, as well as from other healthcare providers. You can get a separate account from these other healthcare providers and they may or may not participate in the same health insurance plans as the facility. You should contact healthcare providers who can provide you with services for a list of insurance plans with which they participate. You can also ask the facility and other healthcare providers a personalized fees assessment. For a list of healthcare providers and medical practices that can provide you with services during your visit to Baptist healthcare facilities, click here.

If you have questions about a separate statement/invoice you have received from a healthcare provider, please contact the specific offices for invoicing the healthcare provider or the group.

However, if you have any questions or concerns that refer directly to your Baptist Health Center bill, please contact our patients’ financial services department at 786-596-6507.

Additional information on the billing and collection procedures, our financial assistance policy and a charity care program is available on our site.

Starting Registration

Starting your PineApp registration and the choice of your arrival time does not guarantee immediate treatment upon arrival, as the condition of other patients may require them to be treated in front of you. If your symptoms worsen or believe that you are experiencing a life insurance emergency, please call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest ER as soon as possible. All patients will receive an examination for medical screening, regardless of the ability to pay and insurance.


If you are uninsured, you have the right to receive a bona fide assessment of the expected allegations under the No Surprises Act. Learn more.

Your rights and protection against surprising medical accounts

When you receive an emergency or are being treated by a supplier outside the network at a hospital on the network or outpatient surgery, you are protected from surprisingly charging or billing balance. Learn more.

Hospital resources

The Florida Health Administration Agency (AHCA) provides affordable data on the prices of hospitals and the efficiency of their and pricing. The prices and efficiency of the hospital is based on a compilation of fees for the average patient. The patient’s bill may vary from the average, depending on the severity of the disease and the individual care needs. Service package information is a non -personal cost assessment that can be made by the patient for the expected services and that the actual costs will be based on the services actually provided to the patient.

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