West Batton Rouge’s parish sheriff’s Port Alen service participated in an officer-linked firing early on Sunday morning.
According to MPs, the shooting was close to Young Avenue and Gremilion Road in the parish of West Baton Rouge.
Investigators said shortly after midnight that they had received a call of shots fired at the North River Road, near Catherine Road. The suspected vehicle was seen running from the area and later entered the Silver truck and casino stop. As the deputy arrived at the truck stop, the vehicle popped out of the parking lot.
It is reported that the deputy switched on his lights to try to stop traffic and the vehicle did not stop. The suspected vehicle withdrew to extend Gremillion Road and one of the passengers came out of the car with a rifle and a gun. Later, employees found that the suspect pistol was stolen from St. Martin’s parish.
The MP shoots a gun suspected, which has led to a life -threatening injury. This suspect has been taken to a hospital for treatment and will be reserved on release.
Authorities said the driver of the vehicle had escaped, but was soon caught and the third resident of the vehicle was removed at the scene.
The Sheriff’s Service in Eastern Baton Rouge will investigate and suspicious information will be published in determining the fees.