
Dylan Bechler nods to fill in a free space for a delegate to Maryland 30a – Baltimore Sun

Dylan Bechler nods to fill in a free space for a delegate to Maryland 30a – Baltimore Sun

The Democratic Central Committee of the Anne Arundel County has elected Dylan Bechler to fill the area of ​​the open district of 30A after Chaneca Henson was promoted to the Maryland Senate.

On Saturday, Bechler received 10 votes and won the place over Chris Holt, who received seven votes, Brooks Shandelmayer in one voice, and Abigail Dill and Lindsay Donahu with anyone.

Maryland Governor Wes Moore must now approve the recommendation of the Behler Committee for the place.

“I believe we need someone with a tangible experience to protect, preserve and improve our values,” Behler said during a hearing on Saturday. “I believe I have this experience.”

District 30a covers parts of Anapolis, including conditional release.

The 26-year-old Bechler is an resident of the Ann Arundel county, who lives in Iestport and has worked on political campaigns and as legislative staff. In 2018, Behler was part of Del Alice Cain’s primary primary campaign.

He then moved to the campaign of the County Executive Director of Ann Arundel Stewart Pitman, helping Pitman to win his first office of service the same year.

Bechler said he wanted to continue the work he and Elfret did to help restore the health of Chesapiq Bay, “press the needle” on the construction infrastructure of resistance in communities and reduces the cost of living, among other problems.

In his professional life, Bechler is the director of the legislative and compound services at the Department of Natural Resources in Maryland, where he helps to lead the restoration of the Bay of Chesapik, the protection of our most partial natural lands and guarantees that Merlanders has fair open access outdoors.

Dylan Beler is chosen to fill the open area of ​​30A Maryland House in the delegate seat. (Kindness)
Dylan Beler is chosen to fill the open area of ​​30A Maryland House in the delegate seat. (Kindness)

Previously, he was the head of the State Senator State Senator Sarah Elfret and an analyst of the then Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr..

Hanson, Democrat, was in his first term as a delegate to district 30a when he was appointed by governor Wes Moore to fill the Senate area left free when Senator Sarah Elfret was selected to represent the 3rd Congress County of Maryland.

Capital reporter Megan Loc contributed to this article.

Do you have news advice? Contact Todd Karpovic at or X as @toddkarpovich.

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