
DURHAM DIFTING adds a multi -point 34T lifting beam to the supply – Heavylift & Project forwinging International

DURHAM DIFTING adds a multi -point 34T lifting beam to the supply – Heavylift & Project forwinging International

Durham Difting adds a multi -point 34T lifting beam to the supply 1

The beam has a lifting capacity of 34 tonnes and a period of 10.5 m, with flexibility and reliability making the product ideally suitable for applications in industries such as construction, production and offshore work, the statement said.

“The multi-point 34T ray is built to handle demanding conditions while offering the flexibility needed for different lifting configurations,” said Wan DjawadTechnical director Dumperwho joined the company more than four years ago. “Whether it is about lifting large, irregular loads or ensuring that the weight is distributed evenly at multiple points, this beam provides the reliability that our customers expect.”

Able to maintain full load capacity, regardless of its sling-vertical sling, the multi-point 34T beam is also compatible with ISO 1328 forklift pockets, which makes transportation and positioning on the spot simply and efficiently.

Durham Difting adds a multi -point 34T lifting beam to the supply 2

To ensure strength and reliability, the products are subjected to test tests to proof of proof in Britain’s test house of Durham Difting at Middlesbrough, UK.

Designed with 150 mm distance between gluing heavy beams and 250 mm in lighter models, Multisec The multi -point rays are evenly distributed, which reduces the tension of the lifting equipment and improves overall operational efficiency.

The new addition is available for rent, and the lifting of Durham and multisec can also produce additional models from the multisec multi -point range to meet specific requirements of the project.

In January 2024, raising Durm changed property.

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