The Internal Empire Inspiring Network Service plans to celebrate Rosa Parks’s birthday, February 4, with a day of a homeless service service.
The event “Giving the Gift of Hope” will be held at Family Life Center New Hope, 1505 W. Highland Ave., San Bernardino, and donations are sought to support the project.
The donations sought include coats, jackets, scarves, gloves and hats for men, women and children; socks and underwear; hygiene kits and feminine care products; blankets and sleeping bags; backpacks and carrying bags; And permanent food, according to a news message.
Donations can be dropped until February 4 at the New Hope Family Animal Center.
Organizers also invite those who can provide professional services such as hairstyles, legal aid, health inspections, mental health consultations and housing assistance to participate.
Volunteers can also help in the event, helping food service, spreading clothes and hygiene stations, organizing supplies and more. Non -profit organizations and faith -based groups are invited to participate.
For information on donation or volunteering, send an email to [email protected] or call 909-341-0750.