Baton Rouge – Sex trafficking groups are working to combat sex trafficking for children Thousands are descending New Orleans for the Super Bowl this weekend as law enforcement agencies are working to prevent crime in and around a supero.
The Baton Rouge Acting Center is working to combat a possible leg in sexual traffic.
“So the regional care coordinator for the advocacy center for Baton Rouge.
Burl also warns adults to be aware of their surroundings.
“They tend to try to gauge children, to try to gauge potential victims,” he said. “A common misconception is that traffickers use zip connections or pants to attract victims, they should not focus on this because they could miss a potential victim,” Barle said.
He says that while there is nothing wrong with being friendly, it is important to be cautious about people who are too friendly and strangers trying to start a conversation, trying to destroy your barriers.
“This is an experienced time for New Orleans and this is a problem that is increasing and you just have to be vigilant to everything around us to be safe,” Barle said.
The group’s website has more information on how to help abuse.