Cody was born and raised in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Career: Cody’s first job out of college took him 120 miles north to Douglas, Wyoming, where he was sports editor for the Douglas Budget for nearly four years. While at eastern Wyoming, Coady won every statewide sports writing award, including being named the state’s inaugural Young Journalist of the Year. From there, Cody took over the one-man sports department at The Baytown Sun in east Houston, where he covered 13 high schools and a junior college. There, he won the Associated Press’ top sports section in the state. After a two-year stint in southeast Texas, Cody returned to his hometown, where he took on the role of radio producer. In 2016 Coady accepted the position of sports reporter at the Lansing State Journal, where he covered Michigan State University athletics. His story, “The Search for Charles Rogers,” was named the 2017 AP and Michigan Press Association Sports Film of the Year. Personal: Cody and his wife, Emily, live in Cheyenne, Wyoming with their slimy but adorable hounds, Ozzie and Nola. Cody grew up playing baseball, eventually earning a full scholarship to college in the middle of nowhere, Nebraska. It was a short dream. It appeared that his best days on the field were behind him. In his spare time, Cody enjoys traveling around the country to attend sporting events. He was a University of Wyoming football season ticket holder for nearly three decades, never missing a game in Laramie until he moved to Texas in 2013. Fall Saturdays are now reserved for screaming at the TV.