Baton Rouge, La. (WAFB) – The Civic Police Academy, hosting the Baton Rouge Police Department, returns, launching its first grade of the spring season.
The Academy is an 8-week commitment for two hours every Tuesday. This year, about 25-30 people appeared for the class for various reasons why they joined, but many are looking for potential job opportunities.
WAFB talks with a high school student, a dynasty here, which ends in May. She registers for the class as a way to investigate a potential career in law enforcement.
“My mother is retired by the army, I have a sister who is currently in the Air Force, who serves and I just really want to make the world a better place,” says Tucker.
So far, in 2025, Police in Baton Rouge has already observed almost 18,000 service calls – from routine problems with trafficking to disorders, thefts and firing. With the Civic Police Academy, people receive behind the scenes every day, look at all aspects of the work and the agencies with which they work, such as the District Prosecutor’s Office. Batton Rouge police chief TJ Morse says it is a good chance that employees will connect with the community and be transparent about how they do things, but more importantly why.
“This is a good way to show our brand and people say – be proud of our police department that they have here in Baton Rouge. But this is also a chance to have many open and honest conversations, “says Chef Morse. “They feel comfortable with us. They should have one in one place with the police chief and ask you to know what you say about what you say about why you don’t do these things and we have to talk very openly and honestly, make a lot of transparent conversations About the good, the bad, the ugly and the much where between the police. “
Morse says the class should also shoot Tasers, visit the range and do simulation training, so it won’t be just in the classroom.
If you missed the registration, BRPD leaves a few points open until next Tuesday. If you can’t get to the spring session, BRPD plans to have another one in the fall.
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