
Children Escape Room, debuting this week –

Children Escape Room, debuting this week –

This week, an escape room is opened for children near Scottsdale.

Cluville is officially opened at Arizona Boardwalk, 9500 E. Vía de Venture on Friday, January 31st.

It is reported to be a perfect place for “family binding and birthdays”, Cluvil “encourages children to exclude technology and to interact with challenges that encourage connection and creativity,” according to a message.

The cut of the tape will be held at 10:30 am with Rob Cooper, CEO of Lol Entertainment; Jonathan Cooper, CEO of Bright Entertainment; and others.

Cluville’s escape rooms are designed for children aged 6 to 14 years and developed by Lol Entertainment, which brought a Museum of Illusion to Arizona Bord Paul in partnership with Bright Entertainment.

The place has four different escape rooms designed to intrigue different interests. These include rooms entitled Alien Invasion, Old Wizard, Secret Potion and Detective Agency.

“All rooms not only have fun but also stimulate cognitive development and light curiosity,” the company said. “Children will communicate, solve mysteries, make memories and feel together.

“Parents are welcome to join their children in the escape rooms to work as a family through teamwork.”

Tickets are already for sale and can be reserved at The size of the group range from four to 10 players and prices range from $ 29.95- $ 35.95 per player. Cluvil also has a party party.

Descended from Zagreb, Croatia, Cluvil also behaves as an ideal destination for school excursions.

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