CHESAPEAKE ENERGY (NASDAQ: EXE – Free Report) If the target price is collected by Barclays from $ 94.00 to $ 113.00 in a research report published on Thursday, Benzinga reports. Currently, the company has an equal evaluation of the weight of the shares.
Several other research companies have also recently weighed Exe. TD Cowen has started reflecting Shasapeake Energy shares in a research report on Friday, January 17th. They set the “Hold” rating and a price price of $ 108.00 per share. Benchmark reissued a “Buy” rating and set a price price for $ 93.00 for Chesapeake Energy shares in a Wednesday research report, January 15th. Piper Sandler took a coverage of Chesapeake Energy in a research report on Tuesday, January 28th. They set a “neutral” rating and a price price of $ 96.00 for the company. Citigroup has raised its target price to Chesapeake Energy from $ 115.00 to $ 125.00 and gave the company a rating “Buy” in a report from Thursday, January 16th. Finally, JPMorgan Chase & Co. took coverage of shares on Chesapeake Energy in a report from Thursday, January 16th. They set an overweight rating and a price price for $ 112.00 for the company. Five analysts have evaluated the shares with a detention rating, eleven have given the purchase and one has assigned a strong rating to the company’s purchase. According to MarketBeat, the shares currently have an average “moderate purchase” and average target price of $ 114.38.
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Chesapeake Energy Stock decreased by 1.1 %
NASDAQ shares: EXE opened in $ 101.60 on Thursday. The company has a 50 -day movable average price of $ 100.30. The company has a debt to a capital of 0.20, the current ratio of 2.00 and a quick ratio of 2.00. The company has a market capitalization of $ 23.48 billion, a P/E ratio of $ 62.72 and a beta of 0.52. Chesapeake Energy has a 52-week minimum of $ 69.12 and a 52-week top of $ 109.47.
Internal buying and selling
In other Chesapeake Energy News, director Catherine A. Kerr sold 43 623 shares of business shares in a transaction from Friday, November 22. The shares were sold at an average price of $ 99.58, for a total value of $ 4,343,978,34. Following the completion of the transaction, the director now directly holds 5.201 shares of the company, valued at approximately $ 517,915.58. The trade was an 89.35 % reduction in their ownership of the shares. The sale was announced on a legal submission to SEC, which is available through this hyperlink. 58.00% of the shares are owned by internal persons.
Chesapeake Energy Company profile
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Expand Energy Corporation is an independent producer of natural gas mainly in the United States. Expand Energy Corporation, previously known as Chesapeake Energy Corporation, is based in Oklahoma City.
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