Today, January 29, Catalyze Birmingham has announced the second round of winners for its Catalyze Birmingham Challenge, an initiative that supports organizations that create opportunities for young people to explore new careers and associate education with meaningful work experience.
For the Catalyze Birmingham Challenge Initiative
In 2023, Birmingham became the first city in the country to host a regional version of The Catalyze Challenge, a national grant program that awarded $ 10 million to more than 40 organizations. The regional version – called Catalyze Birmingham Challenge – identifies, supports and helps to scathing innovative local organizations that prepare young people for the workforce.
In 2024, Catalyze Birmingham awarded $ 720,000 to five local non -profit organizations selected by a pool of over 70 candidates:
The funding of the grants comes from the National Catalyze Challenge and the Walton Foundation, combined with several local philanthrops, companies and organizations:
- Mike & Gillian Goodrich Foundation
- Foundation for Protected Life, Regions Foundation
- The caring base of the blue cross and the blue shield of Alabama
- ALABAMA Foundation
- The Grand Birmingham Community Foundation
- ALTEC/Stylinger Foundation
- Alabama
The city of Birmingham authorizes Birmingham and Prosper to unite to help develop the challenge in a way that best serves the community.
Meet the recipients of Catalyze Birmingham since 2025
Today, Catalyze Birmingham has announced the recipients of their second round of grants totaling $ 716,929.
“Based on the success of our introductory circle, this second cohort of Catalyze Birmingham Gnastees reflects the growing inertia and innovation in Birmingham’s pursuit of career -related.
These organizations lead to a transformative change in career -related training and demonstrate the power of cooperation and community -focused decisions.
We are glad to support their vision and we are excited to see the impact they will create. “
Carlisha Harris, Catalyze Birmingham Challenge Specialist
The recipients are:
- Institute of Mental Health of Black Women (224,000 dollars): Through the Mental Health Navigation Scholarship (MHCNF) Institute for Mental Health of Black Women strives to create interest in mental health career by introducing high school adolescents and adults from the Birmingham region in the field of 14-18 years. The scholarship gives priority to black, rural and low -income students, remaining open to all participants eligible.
- Blunt County Education Foundation ($ 188,734): The initiative for major virtual quarries is a career mobile unit personalized as a multimodal laboratory space for learners aged 14-18. This mobile lab provides opportunities for career exploration and raises awareness of college and career programs available at the Blount Career Technical Center in seven communities.
- Jefferson State Community College Foundation, Inc. ($ 150,000): WOW: JSCC Workforce on Wheels overcomes the difference between education and career with high demand through mobile career simulators of learners at 11-18 learners. These immersive video game-like training tools will provide young people in the four-circular college area with first-hand exposure to career paths through industry-backed curriculum and simulations.
- Ymca on the big Birmingham ($ 154,195): The bridge program must be delivered from the Northeastern YMCA to Roebuck to 18-22 years as a resource center for the neighborhood, which will include consulting services, the most up-to-date pediatric clinic, accessible home ownership and the Youth Center. The Center for Northeast Y’s leadership and training will be the epicenter for career path service providers to facilitate technical assistance, which leads to a higher percentage of graduates with diploma and enrollment in a commercial certification program, college or academy S
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