
California serial killer sings ominously sings “99 bottles of beer” in front of the victims’ families during the hearing of the sentence – AOL

California serial killer sings ominously sings “99 bottles of beer” in front of the victims’ families during the hearing of the sentence – AOL

The heartless California serial killer sang road songs in court, while the victims’ families gave him influential statements during his sentence.

David Mish started shouting “99 bottles of beer on the wall” on Tuesday in an attempt to be removed from the courtroom when he did not want to listen to family members with a broken heart, prosecutors said, according to Mercury News.

A judge threw away a mouse out of the room after the killer sang approximately two tacts of the song, but his whistling was still heard as he was thrown into a nearby cell, the newspaper added.

David Mish was sentenced to 50 years to life in prison for the double murder of two young women in 1986. AP

David Mish was sentenced to 50 years to life in prison for the double murder of two young women in 1986. AP

The prosecutors offered the murderer for his relentless act to the families of his victims.

“Mish’s behavior in court was not only a judgmental but also a screaming manifestation of lack of remorse for taking the life of Jennifer Doui and Michelle Xavier,” said Royle Roberts, Chief Assistant District Attorney.

“The families of these two young women have been waiting for almost 40 years to receive justice for their tragic and meaningless killings,” he added.

In December, the 63-year-old man was found guilty of the murder of Xavier and Dway on February 1, 1986.

The couple was last seen at a mixed shop in Fremont, California, after they went together on a birthday before that evening.

Their bodies were found along the road in a remote part of Ferimont Hills, according to police.

Michel Xavier and Jennifer Doui were found dead along the road in Fremont, California, on February 2, 1986. Fremonth Police Department

Michel Xavier and Jennifer Doui were found dead along the road in Fremont, California, on February 2, 1986. Fremonth Police Department

The double murders were attributed to Mish after DNA was found under the duh’s nails and a partial registration number, pointing back to the man’s car, was written in Xavier’s hand.

Mish told prosecutors that he had seen “two young women” being abducted with weapons and tried to help.

The murderer’s weak apology came in 2003 as he served a life sentence for murder he committed in 1989.

The case was reopened in 2016 by a new branch at Fremon’s Police Department.

Mish was a well -known drug use and a commercial thief who lived in the killing area.

The evidence was handed over to the District Prosecutor’s Office of Alameda County, which accused Mish of killings in March 2018.

Prosecutors believe that Mish has lured the women in the secluded area to have sexually abused them, but when they replied, he killed them.

Mish was a well -known drug use and a commercial thief who lived in the killing area. FreMont's Police Department

Mish was a well -known drug use and a commercial thief who lived in the killing area. FreMont’s Police Department

For the double murder, Mish has been sentenced to two sentences from 25 years to life in prison, which he will serve sequentially.

Mish, who is serving a sentence of 18 years to life in prison in Santa Rita prison, will serve from 50 years to life in a state prison.

In 2020, Mish was accused of abducting and murder in 1988 by 9-year-old Michaela Garecht. Reuters

In 2020, Mish was accused of abducting and murder in 1988 by 9-year-old Michaela Garecht. Reuters

In 2020, Mish was accused of abducting and murder in 1988 by 9-year-old Michaela Garecht.

The court for the fourth murder awaits him.

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