An initiative to vote, which asks the Californians if they would like to separate from the United States, was cleared to collect signatures at the end of last month.
According to the analyst’s legislative service, the California Plebiscite for Independence of 2025 or Calexit will establish a “20-member State Commission on California Sovereignty and Independence from the United States”, which by 2028 will be required to “draw up a public report on the ability of the ability of the ability of California to be managed as an independent nation. “
Then, at the November 2028 vote, voters will be asked: “Should California leave the United States and become a free and independent state?”
If at least 50 percent of registered voters participate and at least 55 percent vote “Yes”, then the vote “is a vote of trust in the United States of America and an expression of the will of the people in California to become a free and independent state. “
The problem is that Section 1 of Article III of our State Constitution says California “is an integral part of the United States of America.” The State Constitution also says: “The US Constitution is the supreme law of the earth.”
The US Constitution, meanwhile, is silent on the matter. It does not provide a method of leaving the Federal Union. But in the 1860s there was a civil war, which at first glance – and the Union won.
But let’s put all this reality aside for a moment. Let’s convene a State Committee on California Sovereignty and Independence from the United States right here on these pages and answer the question. Can California be managed as an independent nation? Well, to answer that you really have to ask, can we afford it?
It is often said that California is the fifth or sixth largest economy in the world that is good for us. The governor loves to call us a “nation state.”
California also has some of the highest taxes in the country. We have the highest personal income tax rates, the highest state sales tax, one of the highest gas taxes, the highest corporate tax West of Mississippi, and although we are not the highest in ownership taxes thanks to the ownership of Prop. 13, we are not all so low.
This year, the governor has proposed a $ 322 billion cost plan, which will be the second largest budget in country history. That’s a lot of money. But is it enough for California money to take care of yourself?
If the state’s response to these catastrophic fires in southern California is some indication, the answer is no sound. According to Calmatters, “[t]The economic impact of continuing fires alone in the Los Angeles region is estimated at at least $ 135 billion. “This could obviously raise the already problematic finances of the state.
“The bottom can fall completely,” Gavin News told reporters at his budget performance.
NEWSOM had to go to the federal government for help and President Joe Biden agreed that they would cover the cost of our disasters for 180 days. But Biden is no longer president. Donald Trump is. The same man who convened a special session to “protect” California.
This led to a strange exchange of asphalt when Trump came to California to visit disaster areas.
“They will need a lot of federal help. Unless you need those that would be good, “Trump said. NEWSOM replied, “We will need a lot of federal help.” We are not yet a country and we already need foreign help.
We now hear that Newsom was in the nation’s capital this week to ask for even more federal help.