Alan Bowie | Scottsdale
Imagine earmarking some of your savings for home projects. You receive offers, within 5-10% of your budget, you plan to proceed. Only the contractor now says the project is double, even triple the budget/bid. Do you continue
Common sense prevails and you slam on the brakes. But if it’s a roundabout in Scottsdale, sure why not, it’s just tax payers money and we the city council/mayor know better than you.
Also, I was crazy about proposals that “save”, “protect” or “fund” things like parks, police, fire, schools, etc. Proposition 490 is a great example. Also: all of these things are fully funded, as they should be. But no, mayors and councils want to reach deeper into our wallets to give them a piggy bank to do as they please, while we are tricked into thinking these community essentials will be compromised.
If you’re tempted to vote yes on a dodgy proposal that raises our taxes by $1.2 billion, close your eyes, imagine the countless large buildings that continue to rise, robbing Scottsdale of every inch of real estate (bye green space) , but at the same time generating more revenue.
enough. Our city is full of money with no more taxes and questionable offers. And please cancel unnecessary over-budget projects. Message to city leaders: Pretend to teach your kids a lesson in finance or reach into your own wallet.
I will now vote for Lisa Borowski for Mayor and also for Adam Quassman for City Council. They will inject common sense back into the city’s fiscal leadership. Then we can truly and responsibly “save, protect and finance” Scottsdale.
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