
Birmingham urban schools sends a letter to home, turning to worries about ice – WBRC

Birmingham urban schools sends a letter to home, turning to worries about ice – WBRC

Birmingham, Ala. (WBRC) – Birmingham schools have sent a letter to the families to deal with the fears and fears they may have with the recent announcement of the federal plans for immigration.

The letter written by the chief Mark Sullivan says the area is engaged in safety. There is a team that monitors federal changes and directions on immigration issues, both from state and federal levels.

The head of the headquarters Terry Lamar said that parents and families should not worry that the area would violate the federal law and share personal information.

He said he was sending the letter, they express to families, that they are seriously taking concerns and are able to remind them that the school is a safe place for children.

“Just remember the relationship you had with your teachers and your administrators before it becomes it. And you will continue to have the same relationships and a very caring and loving environment for all students. So although we know this is on us, we take it very seriously and we want families to know that we want at school, we want to be here and will take care well, “Lamar said.

If the law enforcement agencies appear at school without a notice, Lamar said there are guidance that includes a view of an official badge.

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