
Birmingham schools use a virtual reality to deal with the band’s culture – BBC

Birmingham schools use a virtual reality to deal with the band’s culture – BBC

“This has helped me make better decisions in my future,” Adnan said.

He added that the use of VR made him think about how to be safe and to make sure he would “do the right thing.”

Chief teacher Richard Reeve said that all schools are responsible for teaching young people for knives and gang -related crime.

“We like to be at the forefront of all aspects of defense and it was very important to have this seminar so that they could learn in a very special and innovative way,” added G -Reeve.

Warickshire police have also used VR technology to show educational films to boys and young men in schools, colleges and universities, emphasizing some of the negative experiences that girls and women have.

Det Sup Jill Fowler said the Force’s VR project aims to “cause meaningful conversations and to encourage reflection” to “stimulate cultural change.”

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