
Birmingham Moore’s adviser spoke at Dui’s arrest – Alabama’s News Leader

Birmingham Moore’s adviser spoke at Dui’s arrest – Alabama’s News Leader

Birmingham, Ala. Moore was arrested in the city of Creola, at Mobile County while driving an urban vehicle and accused of driving under the influence.

Creole police have announced that she has received a call at 3:55 on a possible driver driver. The caller describes a vehicle that causes excessively slowly and rotates on the interstate. Employees placed a black Chevrolet Tahoe with a municipal label on the side of the road.

See also: Birmingham adviser accused of DUI in Mobile County while in a city vehicle

Moore, who represents the Birmingham Region 4 and serves the City Committee, addressed the incident, saying: “I cannot give you any updates in this case. But, I’ll say it was last year. This is something that is something that is something. This was done and viewed, so we move forward in 2025. “

Moore did not provide specifics of how the situation was resolved or why it was in an urban vehicle. Public information employees have refused to resolve further questions on the matter.

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