
Baton Rouge Man shares the story of this when his heart stopped in 40 minutes – wafb

Baton Rouge Man shares the story of this when his heart stopped in 40 minutes – wafb

Baton Rouge, La. (Wafb) – At 43, Daniel took over felt invincible.

“He has never had any health problems, he has never been on medical prescription drugs,” says Poj, a resident. “It didn’t really envisage any health problems.”

On May 2, 2024, Daniel began what would become one of the most difficult days of his life. It just happened that he was in a great mood. This will change soon.

“In fact, it was a day I was very glad,” he said. “I finished my day and intended to go to New Orleans for a concert.”

But as he ended his lunch break, things turned. Chicken sandwich sent his body in a profuse sweat. He didn’t think something too serious was.

As it turned out, it was much more serious. Daniel had a heart attack. After his sister called him for the EMC, he was informed by the medical staff that he would enter an immediate procedure upon arrival at the closer hospital.

Everything he remembers at that moment prays.

“I told the Lord, thank you for everything you did for me,” he said while holding tears. “Thank you for everything you have done for my family and for all the opportunity you gave us.”

Shortly after arriving at a general hospital Baton Rouge, Daniel went into cardiac arrest, his heart was still over 40 minutes.

The interventional cardiologist Philip Smith and his team worked quickly to return Daniel after the range discovered a 99 % blockage in an artery in his heart.

“Our team jumped into action,” Smith said. “We had people waiting for the nightstand waiting to make CPR as we tried to open the artery. Thanks to the team and the grace of God, he was able to pass through it. “

Daniel’s heart eventually began to pump again. He will undergo four times bypass surgery months later to redirect blood flow around blocked coronary arteries.

After a long way to restore and help from his family and the love of his life, Natasha, Daniel is ready to make the most of what he calls … his second chance.

“Those times I have not spent, those opportunities I have not taken, the opportunity to spend more time with my family,” Po said. “You know, moving forward, these things have really become my priority.”

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