
Author of Durham County, who publishes a second book in a trilogy placed in the region – Yahoo News UK

Author of Durham County, who publishes a second book in a trilogy placed in the region – Yahoo News UK

The author of Durham’s bestsellers, Glenda Young, is ready to publish her second book in the published trilogy, The Toffee Factory Girls.

The books published by the title were inspired by the rich social history of the northeastern part of England.

The atmosphere of the trilogy is an old Tofi factory, in the market city of Chester-Le Street, “Dainty Dinah”.

Glenda said: “I fell in love with the idea of ​​a Tofi factory in the middle of Chester-LE-State and during the study I really got involved with the idea of ​​the women who worked there, I was so taken from the two words” Dainty Dina “these two words have inspired three novels. “

“The study is grand. I did a lot of research at Beamish. I also went down to Khalifax, which is known as Toffee Town, because Makintos Tofi started there. The viewing of the archives of Mackintosh Toffee and the viewing of the protocols of the meetings was like a novel by itself, it was just incredible ”

The series follows three “Toff factory girls” girls as they focus on work, life, love and, of course, war. The First World War also a bug with the introduction of sugar normation into this edition.

Glenda Young said, “This is the second book and was placed during World War I, and this is where sugar is really badly struck and the factory is sent in turmoil. The first book, The Toffee Factory Girls, was placed right at the outbreak of World War I, and the second book is The Secrets of the Tofi Factory Girls.

“The secrets of the Toffee factory girls,” which features a wedding between two incredible characters, will come out before Valentine’s Day, February 13th. The book is available for pre -order on Amazon.

Glenda will hold a book that signs on February 27, 11:00 to 1:00 pm at The Crafty Gift Shop in Chester-Le-State, which is on the site of the old Dainty Dinah factory.

There will also be a signing of a book in the library of Willington, February 20, 13:00, as part of the local Durham Library Author Festival.

Glenda has his fourth cozy criminal, who is released later this year and is already writing her fifth in the nominee for the Seaview Hotel award.

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