
Antioch Archbishop, finding a new monastery in Tennessee – The Paradise News

Antioch Archbishop, finding a new monastery in Tennessee – The Paradise News

Grand Junction, Tennessee, February 11, 2025

Hieroshemamon Paul (left), met. Saba (right). Photo:

The Antioch Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America is opening a new monastery in the southwestern Tennessee.

The monastery, named after the life -giving Trinity, hopes to start receiving pilgrims after Pasha, the archbishopric reports.

The sacred habitation is in Grand Junction, in the same property as St. Paul’s Women’s Scythian. Nectaria Mother, who worked alone in Scythian for nearly three decades, gave up the Lord on August 9, 2023.

Photo: Photo:

The monastery will be headed by the newly appointed hieroshemamon Paul, who has monastic experience in America, Syria and Antos Peak. He was ordained to be diacomonated by his height of the Saba metropolitan height, the head of the archbishopric, at the Balamand Monastery in Lebanon on Saturday, February 8, and the priesthood the next day by his patriarch of Bitto John X of Antioch and the whole East.

Following the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, Pat. John turned to Fr. Paul, saying, “The message of the church to you today – the Sunday of Pharisee and the society and the day of your ordination as a priest – must be humble, following the example of your Lord Jesus, who humbled with himself a point of death, even the death of The cross. ”

“We strive to preserve this deposit, the deposit of faith in the Church of Antioch, which testifies to the word of truth, to Christ Jesus in all parts of the world,” the Patriarch added.

In the video below, Fr. Paul’s definition of priesthood begins at 2:00:25:



O. Biography of Paul of the Antioch Archarchy:

Jeromon Paul (born in 1966) joined the Antioch Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America in 1993. Two years later, he joined his bishop of grace to help him in the Wichit’s office. Jeromon Paul left for Damascus, Syria in the winter of the same year, fell under the leadership of his grace Bishop John (now his patriarch of life John X) of Homaira, Syria.

Father Paul traveled to the St. Paul Monastery on Mount Athos in the summer of 1996. On the Great and Holy Wednesday 1997, he received the large scheme.

In 1998, Jeromon Paul returned to us to help Bishop Basil at the Witca office, visiting the St. Paul Monastery every two years to recognize his older Partenios. He also visits friends like his superb Metropolitan Saba (when he was the capital of the Archdiocese of Bosra, Hauran and Jabal Al-Arab, Syria) and the monasteries of the Patriarch of Antioochus.

In 2006, Fr. Paul resides at St. Paul Monastery for four years. In 2010, he returned to the United States again, where he took care of his aging parents for the next 11 years.

Jeromon Paul accepted the request of the Saba metropolitan area to assist him in his election as the archbishopric in 2023. The following year, his high -term scoring appoints him as a leader (Dikayos) of the monastic property at the Grand Cross, tennis. (Now (now (now (now (now (now Dikayos) of the monastic property in the Grand Crossroads, Ten. (now (now baptized for the Life -giving Trinity), after the rest of the mother nectaria.

On February 8, 2025, at the Monastery of the Virgin Mary of Balamand in Lebanon, Schemek Paul was ordained the Holy Diaconate by his superb metropolitan sabot in St. George’s Church in the Church of Hostels.

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