I have to say that I feel really good in this meeting. It was never about receiving W for me, even though the Second Dector John Roetlisberger tried to remind us so hard that it’s all about it. It’s just not. It was about the removal of 197 the results – which they did! – Show improvement – which they did! – Post four solid rotations with hit procedures – which they did! – And be able to hold their own, not fasten into a hostile environment – which they did! Overall, great. No tiger has put under 9.70. And they reported only one score below 9.80 (9.725 at Vault) the whole meeting. That’s great.
However, I have some mixed feelings for this meeting, which has nothing to do with Missouri’s presentation. The end result had to be even higher, but in some cases it seemed that the judges had forgotten that they should put both teams equally. It is one thing to mark the whole meeting healthy; This is the new evaluation system. But it is another thing to put one team faster than the other in the same meeting. Anyway, we’ll get to that.
Let’s summarize.
Rotation one – Miz Bars | LSU VAULT
The rotating door of the disease continued this week, as the team welcomed the student’s back student Kira Burns, but lost junior Adison Lawrence. Let’s hope this is not something in the end. With Kyra Back, she takes the lead space and did a great job, starting the tigers of a tall note with sticky legs on her double layout and a score of 9.85, which was exactly the best season. Reina, back to the second consecutive week, looked great with perfect hand stands. She had a tiny jump in her landing and scored 9.825 to start things (a side note – looks low?). Jocelyn followed his own solid. It’s possibly Her last hand stand was a little short and she had a small jump in landing, winning 9.85.
Hannah took a slight step back to her descent, but there are no other notes. It looked fabulous, winning 9.825. The last two tigers in the rotation were masterful, starting with what looked like a perfect Amari routine, which received 9.90, tying its season high, and then Mara, which was flawless. She did not move to one inch on her descent, winning 9.925, her highest season. (My Nate Fitness Hall colleague said it should have been at least 9.95.) The Rotation Rotation of Mizzou 49.350 was exactly from your best season and it was a strong way to get started.
LSU started with a vault and frankly, it couldn’t be fine for them (see the video below). Their legs were glued to this mat with super -suggestion and I am sure that after fighting on the road in Arkansas during the week before, it was welcome. This and KJ Johnson, who had been out with an ankle spilled from mid -January, returned and did wonders to start rotating in fire. Her stuck cold Yurchenko Full (9.95 SV) received 9.90 (one judge gave her perfect 9.95; the other A 9.85, which makes no sense). Chase Brock followed with a stick on his yurchenko 1.5, winning 9.925. Aleah Finnegan and freshman Kalia Lincoln – the same. 9.925 and sticks. It was not until the last two volumes that their legs lost a little stickiness. They cut 9.75 on Amari Dyton, and the freshman Kaylin Chio anchored with a small hop and 9.875. 49.550 of the team placed them bound for the first national level with Florida for the highest result of the team and, of course, was the highest season.
After one rotation, the LSU grabbed .200, 49.550 to 49.350 of Mizzou. So far.
Second rotation – Miz Vault | Lsu bars
Will LSU sticky legs extend through the path to the other tigers? Not so much, but it wasn’t a bad result. It was also not a great result, but part of it was out of control of his. Kaya started things with her full TSUK (10.0 SV), but she had a little too much power and took a big hop back, winning 9.725, and Eliza followed with 9.825 on her yurchenko 1.5 (10.0 SV), and she was just a small hop. Its 9.825 seemed low, given what was awarded to LSU manufacturers who did not stick, like Chio, for example. Hannah followed with a stick and it was great. She did not move a single bit and then performed a fun dance to celebrate, winning 9.925. Honestly, these judges seemed very attached to the result of 9.925 (they awarded 4), so it should not be surprising that it was not higher than that, but it deserved higher, as well as some of these arches of LSU. You can watch the vault on H^2 later in this piece.
Amari should read my visualization (ha), where I urged her to continue her progression to nailed her Y1.5 a little more every week, because hot, it was her best vault for the season. She had the smallest hop and received 9.90.
Joci was the next one and a little shuffled with her feet at her landing, but otherwise she looked great – she went so high – and won 9.80. Maybe she was stirred also A lot? Who knows … Like last week, Kennedy took the anchor slot with her YF (9.95 SV), but unlike last week, it didn’t go away as she had a big hop and descended, scoring 9.70, Which will be dropped. 49.175 was the third highest of the tiger season, but did not do much to help them catch Bey Bengals, who were on a mission in front of the home crowd.
LSU continued its great night at PMAC with a 49.425 season of bars. They lost a little of their sticky magic on their feet, as there were only two combinations, but still had a really pleasant rotation (matching the Mizzou season!), Running 9.80. After two 9.85 to launch the rotation, Alexis Jeffrey glued his full twofold double blow, winning 9.925. Kailin Chio followed 9.925 of her own, but I had recorded that one of her hand -held stands looked a little hazy and off, so maybe all the judges remember the stick? (Mara’s bars, for comparison, were better than those of Chio and they noted the same).
Alech Finegan’s 9.80 was dropped-she was a little smaller on her stand, and Connor McLain won 9.875 at the point of the anchor, her splash was magnificent, but she was too prevalent in her section and had to take a step back.
After two rotations, LSU extended its lead to 0.450, 98.975 to 98.525. 98.525 was the highest result of Mizzou during two rotations during the season.
Rotation Three – Miz Floor | Lsu beam
I will say that I was honestly surprised by the decision to get Rail Jackson out of the squad again, since her routine with a black swan is so beautiful, but I’m not a coach and I’m not practices, so Rayna led for the second week in a row. She had a super clean routine and looked precise, winning 9.85, which tied her season. Eliza followed with an incredible routine, winning 9.875, which looked a little low.
9.825 Hannah had been dropped and the recorders thought she could return to one of her landings (something I was hoping would repair this week). And then came an incredible routine of Amari. It seems to have stuck both landing passengers. It looked like perfection. I waited for a massive result. In low A 9.90! I mean, obviously the judges watched him carefully, right? Right?! When she was only awarded 9.825, I (and The Gymternet, I would have understood later) I was completely blurred. What did they watch? It was certainly not that routine.
Kennedy followed one of her best combinations of the season, marking 9.875 (also a smaller in my opinion). It was great. She kept her landing and didn’t even take a step (which was allowed, but it was so much of the stick). And on the anchor site was Jochi, who was so good and noted 9.90. 49.325 of the Tigers was their third highest result for the season, and if it weren’t for the narrow result of black and gold, it would probably have been a decent amount higher.
LSU headed to the beam afterwards and reached a season with a high 49.55 tall. Sierra Ballard led with a strong 9.875, and Kylie Cohen followed with an even higher 9.90, although he landed her descent with her breasts quite low. Kailin and Connor were quite flawless, scoring 9.90 and 9.95 respectively. Haley Bryant followed and somehow ended with 9.875, despite a significant fluctuation of her previous blow that almost removed her from the beam [deep infuriated sigh] And Alech Finegan anchored the rotation with 9.85, which was missed as he could not hold his landing and turn his hands back several times.
After three rotations, LSU extends its lead to an additional lead to 0.675, 148,525 to 147,85. Mizzou is still the highest through three rotations.
Rotation Four – Miz Beam | Lsu floor
With one rotation, as long as the tigers keep it together, winning the most important 197 passenger was still a lot in the game. With the aforementioned Addi Out Sick, Amy Veier came back into the lead and had a great, though low score 9.775, which made no sense. My colleague Nate redirected the routine to see which judge agreed with – the one who gave her 9.85 or the one who gave her 9.70, and that was 9.85. He just couldn’t find the deduction that the other judge mysteriously found. After flying last week, Amari returned to both places and was great, without further movement of his wolf bend or a rear handmade series to the side series or on his front stroke. She was great … and won 9.85 (you remember 9.875 at Haleigh in the rotation before? Yes ….) Olivia was next and won an exceptional 9.875 (exactly 9.90 last week) alone in her second college routine.
Abby had a few small beans in her routine, but he still won 9.825, and Railey followed 9.80 (looks low), without noticeable deductions out of step forward when landing. And then Helen came to put an end to the meeting for Mitsu. Nearly perfect again (one judge gave her 10), she was great, winning 9.975 and intensifying the highest result of the team for the season and their second highest in the total period during the season, only 0.025 discount last week. The 49.325 rotation result was the second highest of the team in the season, and also only 0.025 of the best of itself.
With the second score of 198 in the nation in its views, LSU took its best event, floor. Their 49.475 was the only rotation of the night that was not the best season, but Bayou Bengals did very well by dropping 9.75, which came from Aleah Finnegan, coming out of the borders, but no other result is more than 9.85. I thought it was likely that the judges were awarding Haley Bryant, the anchor, with 10, as it looked great, but she grabbed 9.95 and the best honors in the event. Amari Dyaton and Kaylin Chio, the last of which took the all -encompassing (she is a freshman!), Each of them won 9.90 results that shared the slot for a runner -up with Jochi.
After four rotations, LSU officially received 198,000 from the skin of its teeth and I will give them props. They looked fantastic, especially on Vault – WOW.
- Amari Celestin Takes the top MVG distinctions from me for her Double 9.90 bars (runner -up) and vault (runner up), and its wild emphasizes the routine floor. She had a really great meeting and a solid 39.475 rating.
- Mara TitarsolejAlmost the perfect bars (she deserved higher) tied her to the title of bars with two other LSU gymnasts. The result also puts it in an elite company on a national scale, as only three 9.975 the results were distributed at the national level and it is one of only two 9.95 winners for my research.
- Hannah Horton’s vault – Wow. This 9.925 was the highest in the HH season and gave her a share of the Vault title (with three LSU gymnasts). It was just as good as the almost perfect JOCI vault a week ago.
Definitive thoughts
Some insanely tight spots on aside, it was a great meeting for Mizzou. who is currently still sitting 9th on a national scale. While Sunday could possibly lead to a few more changes to the national ranking (Cal is currently 8th and has a meeting on Sunday; Utah and Florida also compete), Mizzou should end a week in 4 in fifth place in SC in SEC The average score of 196.790 (++ 0.10 over week 3), in front of Georgia (11), Obun (12), Alabama (14) and Arkansas (15). This is great and the team has to feel good about where they are currently. We hope that this week we will talk to Shannon to hear his thoughts about all things on the tigers before their trip to the Super Bowl.
I also love that the team debuts a new Leo, Velvet Noir, on the road this week. He looked super cool on TV and I can’t wait to see him personally!
Next: Mizzou heads to Champaign for a double with Illinois on Sunday, February 9 at 1:00 pm at Big Ten Plus.