As you may have understood before, Times of Trenton is no longer. The war is over. The Trenton won.
Which are bananas.
The document owned by NJ Advance Media was closed over the weekend, along with a bunch of other documents in the chain, mostly Star-LEDGER (more about that later).
But yes: Times is no more. (Of course, you can still find the whole coverage of their website, which, since they are our competitor, will not name, but well, I want to say, you know who they are. Anyway …)
Anyway, I came to Trentonian in January 1999. And while the Internet was running, most newspapers – our included, as well as the times – were reasonable in what we put there. In short: if you want to know what was happening in the bigger Mercer and outside area, you had to go down a quarter or whatever it was for the newspaper.
Trenton was a unique case as we were one of the few other cities that had two competitive newspapers that were not owned by the same company. Like, counting one hand a little. So there were and there was always an impossible friendly competition between the two documents.
Fast Erudation: The Trenton was founded in 1946 by people who strike the Times. The battles raged. Catherine Graham-then-President of The Washington Post-baby brought by her company in the 1970s (at that time, Post was the owner of Times) to win the Trenton newspaper war mainly.
She didn’t.
She called it her Vietnam.
By the time I arrived there in ’99, the war was still continuing. And every morning when I – and the rest of the reporting crew – I went into work, the first thing we did was take a copy of the Times and see if they had anything we didn’t do.
And believe me – if they did, it was a bowel blow. And if they had something of your rhythm you didn’t have, it was a bowel blow, followed by the top. It was bad.
Time continued, the newspaper industry – as you are undoubtedly aware – suffered huge economic losses when people started going online for all their news.
Both documents lost enormous talent.
Quickly forward to today and the war is over. The Trenton won.
I have to say: it doesn’t feel great.
I promised a little about the main book …
I grew up in North Jersey, Maurice County, and the daily record was our local paper, but the main book … Well, the book was paper. Especially on Sunday.
Man, I feel it in my hands as a child, the end of the 70s, the beginning of the 80, tearing it down to reach the sports section and comics. Then, when I got older, the entertainment section. Then, when I was old, the Macy’s circular (men, you see).
It was such a huge part of my life. I want to say that during the baseball season it goes through the aha, the leaders of the league … It was a piece of Sunday sky. I would ride with my father to the hospital of Pete, he will buy the paper and get a few baseball cards …
Oh God. This becomes wise, and Jack Daniels away from Modelin.
Welp, Whaddya will do it. Pouring out one for the newspaper of my youth and pouring two for the newspaper-the physical thing I have been competing for 26 years.