
A person took a patrol vehicle near the protest of the site: Glendale PD – FOX 10 News Phoenix

A person took a patrol vehicle near the protest of the site: Glendale PD – FOX 10 News Phoenix

Glendale’s police claim that a person has jumped into a patrol vehicle in the protest area on February 2.

For a short statement, the person involved expelled the vehicle for a short distance, but the vehicle was restored.

What we know:

According to police, the incident happened in the area of ​​67th Avenue and Kamelbek.

In more statements, police officers in Glendale said they were aware of protest in the area and said they were watching the situation with PHENICE police.

“People have the right to protest peacefully,” a police officer in Glendale wrote.

What we don’t know:

Police officers in Glendale said the suspect was unknown.

An area where the incident happened

Crimes and public safety Glendalenewsalerts

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