There was once a time when you could tell where someone was based on your phone number. If they have 504 code of the area, they were probably from New Orleans or Baton Rouge. If the first three numbers of their phone number are 318, they may be from Monroe, Shrevport or Alexandria.
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Then we started getting really crazy, adding the 225 code of the Baton Rouge area, 337 code of the Lafayette and Southwestern Louisiana area, and then 985, which is reserved for southeast Louisiana, which is not in the Big New Orleans area S
The codes of the area seem to have been much more important than they are now. Maybe that’s because we had to remember the phone numbers during the day. Nowadays, we keep contacts and press a button and our call is passing. The sky helps us if we ever lose the battery power or find ourselves to remember a loved one’s phone number or maybe even our own phone number.
Annie Stop via Unsplash
Due to the popularity of mobile phones, the need for more phone numbers is increasing. This is actually the reason why Louisiana has added so many codes to the area in the last two or three decades and now we are adding another code to the area. The good news for this adding code to the area is that it will mean very little confusion and changes to those who currently have a telephone service in the affected area.
This affected area is usually North Louisiana and the communities served by the region’s Code 318. According to the State Public Services Committee, there are no more numbers available in the Code of 318, so all new numbers in this service area will have a code of the area 457 S
As of February 24, all users of the phone who call 318 code or 318 code will have to dial using all ten digits. We went through a similar situation when the National Suicide Prevention Number 985 entered online.
Then, from September 25, anyone who has received a new telephone number in the “318” area of the state will find their new number, which starts with “457”. Again, existing customers, who currently have a “318” code on their phone on their phone, will not have to do anything but continue to pay the bill.