
A man charged with firing a Chesapiker officer recently released on federal charges – AOL

A man charged with firing a Chesapiker officer recently released on federal charges – AOL

Chesapeake, Washington (wavy), the man accused of firing in a crossing police car of Chesapiik last month, has just finished serving a 9-month sentence for theft of mail after he pleaded guilty to the federal court.

33 -year -old Dominic Vaughn was appointed Monday for November 24 shooting a police car Chesapike with an officer inside. He is accused of attempting to kill a law enforcement officer. Investigative He connected him to the case through the car he was driving, fingerprints and video evidence.

The man from Chesapik arrested in connection with shooting an officer

VON has a recent criminal history before this incident. USPS postal inspectors began investigating the theft of packages and mail from Blue Collection Boxe in Chesapeake after a postal carrier was robbed by his arrow key in October 2022. In June 2023, they used a “hidden GPS device” hidden in Part of the mail to mail to mail to mail to mail, track thefts to Cutter Court House, according to court documents.

On June 8, 2023, they executed a search order at the home where Vaughn and his girlfriend live.

“Investigators have found some of the stolen checks that were obtained from the blue mailbox in a simple look at the top of a chest of drawers in the defendant’s bedroom,” the facts of the case said. “Investigators searched the defendant’s mobile phone and found pictures of stolen checks and text messages from [another person] Demonstration of the knowledge of the stolen mail scheme. “

The next day he was accused of stealing mail and theft of mail key. On August 29, 2023, he pleaded guilty to theft of mail and the second charge was rejected. He was sentenced to 9 months on January 9, 2024. His sentence also includes three years of supervisory probation.

“The defendant understands that every controlled period of release is in addition to any prison period that the defendant can receive, and that a violation of a controlled release period may lead to the defendant’s return to the prison for the full removal period,” The Read a legal basis.

According to court documents, he has not surrendered to the federal detention since February 29.

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