
A man arrested on charges, including an attack with a deadly weapon and an illegal car taking – KTVN

A man arrested on charges, including an attack with a deadly weapon and an illegal car taking – KTVN

A man was arrested on Thursday on numerous charges after being claimed to have been caught illegally taking a car in southern Renault, leading to persecution.

Renault police responded to reports of Avenue Kilborn’s disturbance around 10:30 am on Thursday according to a RPD press message.

When they arrived, police claimed to have found 22-year-old Ryan Meryl illegally picking up a car. Then Meryl claims to be driving directly to an officer, hitting his car as the officer got out of the road.

Initially, the officers pursued Meryl, but stopped their persecution because of their unexpected driving and the threat it represented to the public.

Later, they received reports from the public that the Meryl car was driving, became disabled in the area of ​​the western I-80 Boulevard and Western McCaran in the Northwest Renault.

Employees arrived on the spot to find that Meryl escaped on foot according to the message.

Employees found him shortly thereafter and arrested him without incidents.

Meryl was booked on charges, including illegal motor vehicle claim, a police officer’s deadly attack, two charges of avoiding, two strokes and running, reckless threatening, destruction of property and resistance to a civil servant.

The incident investigation continues. Anyone who has information is urged to call the police line of the police in Renault on (775) 334-2677 or a secret witness of (775) 322-4900 or Secretwitness.comS

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