The fountain police on Tuesday, January 28, arrests a man who is said to have killed a businessman by hitting him with a baseball bat.
The 37 -year -old Rumin Barrett Stenbury was detained in Hollywood by the sheriff department of Los Angeles County around 2am, said officer Steve Reed, a spokesman for the fountain police.
Stanberry was booked at the West Valley detention center in Kukamong Rancho on suspicion of murder, chaos and burglary. It was kept without a guarantee. He Stanberry is coming in court on January 30th.
Police claim that Stanberry has entered the Allstate insurance agency, operated on by 79 -year -old Fritz Mendosa, on January 10th.
Mendos and his son discovered Stanberry when they opened the fountain business for the day, police said. As the son brought Stanberry out, he grabbed a baseball bat, which had the Allstate Insurance logo and struck a fatal blow to Mendos’s head, police said.
Mendosa died on January 21st.
Police chief Michael Dorsy had described Stanberry as a “hobo”, which surrounds himself, jumping into trains.
“We are grateful for the numerous advice and the tireless efforts of investigators who have led to the arrest of Stanberry,” Dorscy says in a written statement.