
A crash with many O’Neal Lane and Woodwick Ave. leaves one dead, another wounded – Advocate

A crash with many O’Neal Lane and Woodwick Ave. leaves one dead, another wounded – Advocate

One man is dead and another was wounded after a multi -point disaster at the beginning of Thursday.

The parish deputies in East Baton Rouge responded to the stage at the intersection of O’Neal Land and Woodwick Avenue, around 6:20 am.

Accord to Statements Given to the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office, A Vehicle Was Turning Left Onto Woodwick Avenue A Second VEHEEE To Strike A Third Car Stopped at A Traffic Light on Woodwick.

An observer pulled a man from the first vehicle who was declared dead at the scene. Another passenger has been transported to a local hospital and is currently being evaluated.

No one in other vehicles reports injuries. The intersection remains closed as employees continue to investigate the crash.

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