WinItBack Patriots will gather on Thursday, November 7, at the Milady Coffeehouse Event Center – East Wing, Sixth Street and Park Avenue, in downtown Fremont.
The meeting will start at 6:00 PM, so arrive early if you want to order a sandwich or drink, as Milady’s closes at 6:00 PM. Meeting attendees can enter through the south (back) door.
Ernie S. Sears, State Director of the Convention of States, will be the guest speaker. He will make the case for an Article V convention to propose amendments to the US Constitution. The presentation will include brief references to the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution; a few short videos will be shown. Sears will review the 11-year history of the Convention of States project and present the outlook for its ultimate success. All are welcome.
For more information, call Doug Whitman at 402-317-1270.