The Council of Governors of the State University on Thursday unanimously approved former Lieutenant Zhenet Nunes to act temporarily acting president at Florida International University and former majority leader Adam Hasner to fulfill the functions of Florida Atlantic President.
Nunes, a former member of the Miami House, who was the managing half of Ron Roanis in 2018 and 2022, will make an annual $ 850,000 -dollar salary in FIU, her Alma Mater, and Hasner will make a basic salary of 875,000 dollars.
While the appointment of Nunez attracted protests for students and teachers, member of the Board of Management Board Hose Oliva, a former chairman of the Miami Leykes State House, described Nunez as a “fearsome FIU defender” when the two served in the legislature and since it serves as a lieutenant governor.
Alan Levine, Vice-President of the Board of Managers, advised Nunez to pursue the Presidency permanently, a proposal, voiced by the State Commissioner for Education, Mani Diaz Jr., also a former MP from Miami-Dadd.
“I think this will be a huge benefit to FIU in the long run,” Diaz said.
The FIU trustees council on February 7 pointed to Nunes as a temporary president, replacing Kenneth Jassel, who has been president since 2022. The resign of Nunes as Lieutenant Governor came into force on Sunday and she began her new role on Monday. But the Council of University Governors still had to give up.
Nunes said the FIU would remain “fully aligned with the vision and mission of the Management Board.”
“Currently, as you all know, the most famous public research University, the Top 50 Public University in the country, the top-20 for economic return on investment, the top-15 most innovative. We are number one with regard to social mobility, “Nunes said. “While these statistics and these charts are something we are very proud of, I want to assure you, the governors, that we are just starting, and so my goal is to continue to guarantee that FIU provides the highest quality education for education for Education for education for education for education for education for education for education for the highest quality education for education for education for education for the highest quality education for education for the highest quality education for education for education for education for education The highest quality education is our students with unsurpassed students experience. “
According to the State Rules, the FIU Council will have to search for a permanent president. Jessel remains at the Miami school, going to the role of Senior Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer.
In addition to the annual base salary, Nunez may receive a bonus of up to 15% of the salary amount, or $ 127,500, according to a copy of the proposed contract posted on the university system website.
The Council of the Atlantic University of Florida on February 10 chose Hasner to perform the functions of a president after a selection process that began in 2023. Hasner said he was “excited” to serve as the president of the University “My Rod”.
“Under my guidance, we will commit ourselves to take advantage of the abundance of talents and resources and opportunities in our dynamic and growing region of South Florida, from Fort Loderdale to Fort Pierce and to help raise the brand and prestige of our university to match this university On the coastal region we serve, “Hasner said.
Hasner, R-Boca Raton, served in the State House from 2002 to 2010 and most recently worked as an Executive Vice President of Public Policy at Geo Group, a private prison company.
Hasner’s appointment also attracted protests for students and teachers, partly due to lack of experience in academics.
But member of the Board of Directors Eric Silagi, a former chairman, president and CEO of Florida Power and Light, said that “Hasner’s expertise and experience in Talahasi, but also in the private sector, will serve FAU very, very well.”
In addition to its annual basic salary, Hasner’s contract will allow for up to $ 150,000.
Nunez and Hasner are the highest in a series of former legislators who have been eavesdropped for the best positions in Florida’s education system in the last few years.
Along with Diaz, the list includes former Senator Ray Rodriguez, who is a university system Chancellor; Former speaker of the house Richard Corcoran, who is the president of the new Florida College; Former reporter Mel Ponder, who is president of the State College in Northwest Florida; Former reporter Tommy Gregory, who is the president of Florida State College, Manate-Sarasota; And former representative Fred Hawkins, who is the president of the State College in South Florida.