
The teenager encouraged to join the other Nazis Nazis on Telegram, the court said – told Irvine Times

The teenager encouraged to join the other Nazis Nazis on Telegram, the court said – told Irvine Times

Joseph Coope, who has an autistic spectrum disorder, was 16 and 17 years old when he supposedly encouraged terrorist acts on social media and set up an online library with terrorist documents.

In January 2022, Coope published an image of a man pointing a pistol in the heads of figures with Jewish, Islamic and Christian symbols, saying: “The death of the Abrahamists, to live Arianism … Join.

Old Bailey Stock
The Old Bailey process heard that Joseph Coop was found to have a library of terrorist materials on his computer (Daniel Lial-Isas)

Two days later, he published an image of Anders Breivik with the Black Sun-Classically Fast Right Symbol-the words “Free St. Breivik” and “Join the Local Nazis,” the jurors heard.

Prosecutor Dan Pacon-Pound explained that Braivik is a Norwegian right extremist who killed 77 people under two terrorist attacks in and near Oslo in July 2011.

A third publication in May 2022 depicted a swastika over the London silhouette and an image of a figure in a uniform to people hanging from a loop under a lamp.

He was accompanied by the words: “From every tree and lamp after traitor it will hang.”

Mr. Pawson-Pounds told jurors that Cope has accepted the publication of the Telegram images and they will hear “clear evidence” that the first two were created on his home computer.

Cope is also accused of distributing a terrorist document called Great Library of Thule on another telegram channel.

Judicial jurors have been told that it contains hundreds of extreme right -wing documents, with some giving details of how to cause “mass public disorder” and incite “violent attacks on racial groups”.

Mr. Pawson-Pounds said the prosecutor’s office was that by creating an online library, the defendant intended or indirectly encouraged others to participate in “commission, preparing or inciting terrorist actions.”

Hundreds of such documents were found on COPE’s computer, including the white resistance guide, which prosecution claims, contains information useful for a terrorist.

The manual included instructions on how to make viable improvised explosive devices and a detonator, he told the court.

Mr. Pawson-Pounds told jurors that the probable problem they should look at in this case is what COPE intended when he publishes on Telegram or what he thinks the risk of it could be.

In connection with the leadership of the resistance of white jurors, they will need to consider whether the defendant believes that it contains information or not that it is useful for a terrorist or not.

Mr. Pawson-Pounds told the jurors: “Mr. Cope was 16 and 17 at the time of these allegations and only 19 now.

“So, let’s understand from the outset that you will consider the actions of a teenager and what is more, a teenager in the mid -2021 to mid -2022, between three and nearly four years.

“This is important and you have to be fair when you are considering both what he did then and the evidence he can give for his actions and motives in this process now.”

COPE, from Borehonwood, Hertfordshire, has denied allegations of terrorism promotion, the spread of a terrorist publication and the possession of a document that is likely to be useful for a terrorist.

The Old Bailey process continues.

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