
Washington Insiders Expeditors International sell $ 2.5 million in stock, probably signaling caution – just Wall st st

Washington Insiders Expeditors International sell $ 2.5 million in stock, probably signaling caution – just Wall st st

In the last year a lot of Expeditors International from Washington, Inc. (NYSE: Expd) Internal sold have sold a significant share in the company that can bring the attention of shareholders. Knowing whether internal people buy is usually more useful when evaluating internal transactions, as the sale of internal information can have different explanations. However, if numerous internal persons are sold, shareholders should study more.

Although internal transactions are not the most important thing when it comes to long-term investment, we would consider it foolish to ignore completely internal transactions.

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Expeditors International of Washington Insider Transaction in the last year

In the last year, we can see that the largest sale of internal information was from the independent director, Mark Emert, for shares worth $ 1.0 million, about $ 124 per share. Although we usually do not like to see an internal sale, it is more concerned if sales are held at a lower price. This is known that this sale was made at a price above the current share price, which is $ 111. So it may not shed much light on the confidence on the inside of current levels.

Expeditors International from Washington Insiders has not bought shares in the last year. You can see internal transactions (from companies and individuals) in the last year, depicted in the diagram below. If you want to know exactly who sold, for how much and when, just click on the graphics below!

Internal volume-volume
NYSE: Expd Insider Trading Volume February 13, 2025

If you like to buy shares that internal people buy instead of selling then you may just like this free List of companies. (Tip: Most of them fly under the radar).

Internal people at Expeditors International from Washington have sold stock recently

In the last three months, significant sales of internal information have been observed at Expeditors International from Washington. The total independent chairman Robert Carlil sold shares worth $ 363,000 during that time and we did not record any purchases. In general, it makes us a little cautious, but that’s not all and all.

Internal ownership of the International Exaggers from Washington

I like to look at how many shares have internal persons in a company to help inform my opinion of how much they are aligned with the internal people. High domestic property often makes the company’s management more careful about the interests of shareholders. Expeditors International from Washington Insiders hold shares worth $ 114 million (which is 0.7% of the company). Most shareholders will be glad to see this type of domestic property, as it suggests that management incentives are well aligned with other shareholders.

So, what show Expeditors International of Washington Insider Transaction?

The internal man has not purchased Expeditors International from Washington’s shares in the last three months, but there have been some sales. And even if we look at the last year, we didn’t see purchases. It is good to see the property on the inside, but the interior of the sale leaves us cautious. If you are like me, you may want to think if this company will grow or shrink. Fortunately you can check this free A report showing analysts’ forecasts for their future.

Of course, You can find a fantastic investment by looking for elsewhere. So look at that free List of interesting companies.

For the purposes of this article, the internal persons are those who take into account their transactions in the relevant regulatory body. We are currently reporting open market transactions and private orders only with direct interests, but not derivative transactions or indirect interests.

The assessment is complicated, but we are here to simplify it.

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