
Valentine’s dinner with strangers Boise – Bewsbreak

Valentine’s dinner with strangers Boise – Bewsbreak

Hey, Boyz!

When was the last time you did something completely spontaneous? Our series group together full strangers for a fun evening. That’s right, you register and book the restaurant. Do not make great urban life yourself and build your community with us.

This is the edition of Valentine’s Day. The reservation will be determined by the questionnaires submitted by the registrants.

You brought you by the Event Ermantourage series by Erman Bararadi.

You can also look at our main events calendar through Posh for Coffee Meets, Evening Hangouts and more!

*Your membership ticket does not include your individual food and drink purchases. Registration is to commit to showing and not to shake the group.

Our vision is simple: we take the approach without tricks to work on a network. There is no need for another app to take up space on your phone – only four walls and a roof and good food so people can connect 🙂 We coordinate directly with you, Man-man.

If you have more questions, please contact [email protected]!

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