
Denver’s victim hurts in the shooting in Washington Park says he has lost memory in three days – CBS News

Denver’s victim hurts in the shooting in Washington Park says he has lost memory in three days – CBS News

An observer who was severely injured when he was struck by a bullet in the popular Washington Park on Denver, opened for his experience.

According to the Denver Police Department on February 2, two people were in dispute Over the bench in the park, when a person pulls out a gun and shoots. Their thoughtful victim was unharmed, but the second shot struck an innocent observer.

Ben Varga received a firearm at the back of the neck. Suspecting Sagittarius Ryan Aegelston was arrested and faced against first -degree attempted murder.

Varga says that he remains hope and optimistic while working for recovery.

“I am, deliberate all things, now I’m doing amazing,” Varga said in his hospital room in Denver healthy on Wednesday. “The last week was really, really difficult, but I never felt so supported and loved.”

He said the opportunity to see progress in the last week and the pouring of love from his support system was a great help.

Ben Varga


Varga said it was a shock awakening in ICU, without a memory of what happened.

“I couldn’t believe that what started like such a nice day ended with such a crazy incident,” he said.

He said that this day had taken Uber to the park to meet friends at a picnic when he saw a man on the ground by a bicycle. Another observer told Varga that he thought the man’s tire had popped up and he fell.

Shortly after Varga and the other observer began to move away, he was hit by the homeless bullet.

“I have no memories from that moment about three days after that, to wake up in ICU,” he said.

Dr. Lakshmi Kara, who was 10 months old at that time, rushed to save him. Kara uses Varga’s picnic blanket to put pressure on the wound until the first reacts arrive. Varga said he was grateful to get the chance to thank her and would never be able to pay her, that he had saved his life.

Varga’s friends noticed the scene and that he was missing and reached for his parents.

“I don’t want this to anyone,” he said. “I can’t imagine what it should have been for them all.”

The bullet hit Varga in the back of the neck and came out through his jaw, broke it into several pieces and killing some of his teeth. Although the bullet broke two of his vertebrae, Varga said he was grateful that it did not cause damage to his nerves or brain.

While in ICU, Varga has undergone surgery and has been placed on a fan. After waking up and learned that he was shot, Varga said he was initially confused. But as soon as he realized what was happening, Varga said he was ready to do everything he needed to move forward.

Shooting in Park Washington in Denver


Surgeons work to clean the area and next week he is planned to undergo a jaw reconstruction surgery.

“They partner with an external company to a 3D model of my jaw, as well as all broken parts and whatever new parts they order to be able to use a plate to break all these together,” he said.

He said his experience was a testament to overcome the difficulties and lending his family to their unwavering support. His mother and father were his rock, he said, and his brother and sister were emotional support throughout his or her ordeal.

Varga is from Colorado, but only moved to Denver a few months ago.

“I lived in Colorado all my life, but I was really excited to reach the big city,” he said.

He said he was still glad to spend time with his friends at Denver, but he would probably be more preferable to his environment.

“I don’t want this to stop me from enjoying the city and going out and seeing the things I want to do.”

He said he did not feel any hatred of the suspect in the shooting and hoped to move forward.

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