
Justice Preston – University of Durham


Visiting professor

Honor. Justice Brian J Preston Ao Frsn SC

Preston justice is the Chief Judge of the Land and Environment Court of the New South Wales. Prior to being appointed in November 2005, he was a senior advisor practicing mainly in New South Wales under environmental, planning, administrative and property legislation. He has lectured in the postgraduate Environment Act for more than 30 years. He is the author of the first book of Australia for environmental court disputes and 161 articles, books on books and reviews of the Environment, Administrative and Criminal Law. He has occupied numerous editorial positions in publications in the field of environment and has participated in a number of international environmental consultations and programs for the construction of capacity, including for judicial authorities throughout Asia, Africa and the European Union.

Preston Justice is an official member of the NSW Judicial Committee, an associate of the Australian Law Academy, an associate of the NSW Royal Society and an Honorary Associate of the Institute for Environment in Australia and New Zealand. He was awarded a doctor of letters (Honoris causa) of Macquarie University in 2018 and Doctor of Laws (Honoris causa) of the University of West Sydney in 2022. He is a member of various international environmental and consulting councils committees, including serving the Management Board and as Vice President for Oceania of the Global Judicial Institute of Environment and Chairman of the Committee on Environment Legislation of the Committee on the Committee on the Environment of the Committee on the Environment of Ecological Law of Ecological Law of Ecological Law of Ecological Law of Environmental Law of Environment to Ecological Law of Ecological Law of Ecological Law of Ecological Law The right to the environmental right to the environmental right of environmental right to the environmental right of environmental right to the environmental right of the environmental right of the Environment Committee of the Law Association for Asia and the Pacific (Lorazia).

Justice Preston was recognized by the sentence of excellence – an exceptional contribution to environmental law from the Australian Legal Practice section in 2021. In 2023, he was honored with a medal for honor of the World Law Association in the United Nations organization in New York has been provided with Lawasia life membership. He was appointed an Australian Order officer (AO) in the list of honor of Australia Day 2025.

The Justice Preston is currently a visiting professor at the University of Durham (United Kingdom), an assistant professor at three Australian universities, the University of Sydney, the West Sydney University and the University of South Cross and a former visiting associate at Corps Christie and Magdalen College at Oxford College (UK).

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