
Judge orders LSU to restore a professor who was removed from class after political comments – Las Vegas Sun

Judge orders LSU to restore a professor who was removed from class after political comments – Las Vegas Sun

Baton Rouge, La.

The decision, which allows the law professor Ken Levy to return to his classroom this week, was issued after the hearing on Tuesday with respect to the case against the university. During two days of testimony, law students and another professor talked about the removal of Levi’s “cooling effect” on them and that this exacerbates the fears of speaking freely in the classroom.

“Everyone was vulnerable if I lost that,” Levi said outside the Baton Rouge courtroom on Tuesday night, more special about other members of the University Faculty and Students. “So my victory is their victory.”

The legal battle stems from an anonymous complaint by students relating to what the professor said on the first day of a criminal justice course in January.

A recording of a record made in the class, shared in court and published by the lawyer, showed that Levy says “F (asterisk) (asterisk) (asterisk) of the governor”, as well as told the students that they could put them in prison, If they have broken their policy without a recording. Levy said the comments were made on “joking” and numerous students who testified also interpreted him as humor.

Освен това Леви – който казал на студентите, че е демократ – използвал Експетитив, за да говори за Тръмп, като се позовава на президентските избори през ноември и казвал „Не мога да повярвам, че f (звездичка) (звездичка) (звездичка) ( asterisk) R wins. “

Within a few days, the University Administration informed Levi that he was released from his teaching responsibilities “in anticipation of an investigation of complaints from students from inappropriate statements made in your class,” according to Levi’s court case.

Levy’s lawyer Jill Kraft said the professor’s removal violated his academic freedom and lacks his right to a proper process. Jimmy Fairlot, Jr., a lawyer representing the university, claims that the initial findings show that Levi created an environment in the classroom that may be humiliating for some students, more special those who do not share the same political views as the professor. Faircloth also said the case was premature, since Levi was removed only from his classroom – but was still paid and allowed to be on the campus – as he continued a full investigation.

In his decision on the bench on Tuesday evening, the 19th judicial district judge Turvald Smith said he did not see a problem with Levy’s vulgarity within the context presented and that the negative comments on politicians were a “lifestyle”.

Smith also said that he hopes the university -funded university to allow teachers to “invite a strict debate and dialogue” to prepare law students who enter a career area where they will face opposite opinions every day.

“Your client must return to the business of training lawyers and launch teachers,” Smith told FAIRCLOTH.

During the hearing, one name repeatedly mentioned the Landri government, Republican and Trump ally. Ever since he took office last year, Landry made national news about his vast conservative program, which includes a law that requires the ten orders to be published in any public classroom, an immigration measure in Texas, expansion of death execution methods and a measure classified Abortion pills as dangerous controlled substances.

Last November, Landi publicly called on the State University of Louisiana to discipline another law professor Nicholas Bryner, who criticized Trump and students who voted for him during a lecture. Brayner remains hired by the school. Levy pointed to this particular situation as a reason for his class record policy.

In the case of Levi Landri, he also went to X, saying that the professor’s behavior “should not be tolerated”. Left evidence that he has received death threats after the governor’s post.

Landry service did not answer an email request for comment on Tuesday.

Although it was questioned by some residents, students and a lawyer of Levy, if the governor played a role in the removal of the professor, Fairlot said it was a “conspiracy” and there is no “no political motivation”.

University President William Tate IV testified on Tuesday that it was only his decision to remove Levi, adding that “he has never spoken to the governor about this.” Tate said he had reviewed a copy of what Levi said and felt that “the totality of him is above the line of what I would expect to see in the classroom.”

Others continue to worry that their lectures can be considered, especially if they oppose the views of a select employee. Among those with trembling is Professor Patrick Martin IV, who teaches jurisprudence and says he can discuss the new requirement for ten orders by Louisiana.

“Is it possible to be stopped?” Martin asked in court. – This is a real fear. “

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