
More mail stolen from a mailing truck in West Seattle, disappointed residents condemn New Norm – Komo News

More mail stolen from a mailing truck in West Seattle, disappointed residents condemn New Norm – Komo News

The US postal inspector in Seattle is again looking for anyone who has stolen a mail truck in Western Seattle.

The mail, stolen on Monday, February 3, has not been restored. Investigators currently say they have no new suspect leaders.

See alsoSeattle police warns of festive mail theft after a series of cheeky USPS trucks

The United States Post Office (USPS) sent a letter to customers in the area where the mail was stolen, a 4700 block of 50 and SW in Western Seattle, giving them to understand that the mail was missing.

“We were able to contact almost anyone who would be or may have been affected by it,” John Wigand, the US postal inspector in Seattle, told Como.

The USPS letter to the affected customers also suggested “excuses for this incident and any increased effort and dissatisfaction they may have caused.”

“Theft of mail is really really, it’s a really financial crime. In the end, we always ask people to follow their banking statements, credit card extracts and something. are not in fact after the birth card that your grandmother is sending.

“We have actually pursued people from our property because we have them vandalizing and stealing our mail,” resident Jose Salinas told Komo News.

Jose and his wife, Melissa, told Komo News that unfortunately it became the norm.

“It’s not surprised at all, unfortunately. I think Seattle and Western Seattle were a very beautiful and safe place to live. And it is no longer, ”Melissa said.

She and her husband tell her that they had mail, packages and more stocked.

“A few months ago, my car was drilled a gas tank,” Melissa explained.

See also USPS employee found he had stolen $ 24 million for checks

“My tools, three times in my truck. They cleaned me completely. And you know, it’s just not right, because … there are ways people have a decent life. You don’t have to steal, “Jose added.

Wiegand told Komo that they were still investigating a mail truck theft in Western Seattle, which happened in December, when the thefts of the post office and the packages were fruitful. And now they add this new crime to their list of cases to break through.

“We are fucking on any door where we can see a camera or see if they can be around. See if someone has only casual few shots. These are really many, very small things that break these cases wide open, “said Wigand.

Some of the thefts of the mail, which happen locally, are from locked boxes, with the thieves invading large, locked structures. But others happen in neighborhoods where the postal carrier has to go from door to door to deliver mail to separate boxes.

“Anyone who may have seen something that has seen a vehicle you know after a mailing truck, please let us know,” Vigand said.

“Our package box, someone tried to enter it and they broke the lock. They do such things, ”Melissa said.

“We had to be alert, waiting for our things in the mail, because you know it is just … We are constantly stolen from us. As I said, it becomes ridiculous and sad, “Jose said.

Another way to track the mail that is expected to arrive in your box is by informed delivery offered by USPS.

“Informed delivery is a great benefit offered by postal services. This allows you to know most of the pieces that come to you. That doesn’t catch everything, but I will let you know many of them, “Wigand explained.

The US postal inspector is working with the Seattle police to solve this most of it with others. Wiegand said that anyone with observation or other evidence can call to report it: 877-876-2455.

See also Theft of mail scattering in West Washington; More postal carriers hurt the work

The USPS letter also categorically urged customers to take steps to protect themselves from falling victim to financial fraud and identity theft.

“We always ask people to monitor their banking reports, credit card extracts, something like that. They are not after. I always say that they are not really after the birthday card that your grandmother sends to you. They are after the birthday card that your grandmother sent you $ 100 in her that they can negotiate or wash or put their name. That’s really what they follow, “Vigand said.

People with missing mail should closely monitor all their financial accounts and contact at least one of the three loan reporting agencies to receive a copy of their credit report.

Anyone can request a free copy of this report online or by calling 877-322-8228.

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