
Driver caught making donuts on live television on the spot on a triple fatal disaster in hyaliah – published reporter

Driver caught making donuts on live television on the spot on a triple fatal disaster in hyaliah – published reporter

Almost a year after a negligent driver killed three ladies in a very Hyali residential area, locals still have to deal with risky street behavior, including speeding, driving too fast and ignoring braking signs. People who live near the intersection of the southeast 5th Avenue and the Southeast 4th Street, they told NBC6 that they from time to time they hear and see cars that make donuts throughout the day or night. “In the middle of the night, this car arrives and makes donuts. “It’s really disturbing,” said Karen Monjado, a local resident. While the news crew provided an update to the triple fatal disaster that happened at the same time on Friday, our sister Telemundo 51 caught the moment the red car began to rotate and made the donut intersection in April 2024.

“Cars are always accelerated here. Jackeline Coiza, another resident who insisted that the problem be solved, added: “There are only two signs to stop.” Maykoll Santitesteban, then at the age of 15, was happy with friends in April when he broke the SUV of his parents while exceeding 80 mph in an area of ​​30 mph. He killed three women in the car he was confronted with. On the day of the collision, Yarina Garcia Hernandez, 39, and her aunt Gloria Hernandez Molina, 71, died.

Liliana Hernandez Molina, 66 -year -old, Hernandez Molina’s sister and Garcia Hernandez’s mother, received terrible injuries and lost their lives after five months of battle. A fatal clash happened in Hyalia with the participation of Liliana Hernandez Molina and her daughter Jarina Garcia Hernandez. Santiesteban took responsibility for the fatal clash and on Friday was confronted with guilty recognition. The 16-year-old is still in prison in anticipation of a punishment, which can lead to decades behind bars. The city of Hyalia is developing a strategy for eliminating the dangerous conditions near the southeast 5th Avenue and the southeastern 4th street, Miami-Dad Commissioner Rene Garcia told the NBC6 in response to the collision.

“Because of this case, we are now, the city of hyalia, as I am in the county, the city of hyalia dives the roads in the area and put median on the side, which will make it difficult for people to make donuts in the area,” said Garcia. Garcia did not provide specific details about the plan or when residents could see that the changes were developing, but it mentioned that medians could be placed in the coming months.

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